
    单元测1 试题答案
    [题目]— Can you please tell me about your responsibilities?
    [答案] Yes I was in charge of the northwest region of China
    [题目]— Could you give me an example of good team working there?
    [答案] Sure I was the treasurer of the Students’ Union
    [题目]— I believed Ted only from his resume In fact he is not qualified for his job
    [答案] Oh it’s such a pity
    [题目]—— We had a very small budget and I had to make decisions on what to buy
    ——_________________________________so you're a good planner
    [答案] Very impressive
    [题目]A conversation________ between an interviewee and the interviewers
    [答案] goes on
    [题目]At university I never ________ my assignments in late
    [答案] handed
    [题目]Domingo Café a modern European style café is in the ________ area
    [答案] downtown
    [题目]——HelloI'm John Taylorthe General ManagerAnd you must be
    [答案] Daniel Anderson
    [题目]However nowadays people ________ often find such advertisements on a website
    [答案] more
    [题目]I believe team work ________ important
    [答案] is
    [题目]I was the________ of the Students’ Union
    [答案] treasurer
    [题目]I’m particularly proud of ________ I organized the finances
    [答案] how
    [题目]The company’s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable people
    to ________ an interview
    [答案] attend
    [题目]Then people ________ are interested can apply for the job
    [答案] who
    [题目]When a company needs to ________ new people it may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website
    [答案] employ
    1 A job interview is a kind of employment test and usually very formal {ABC}
    2 In order to be employed you need to make a very good first impression{ABC}
    3 It looks like you achieved a lot during your time at university {ABC}
    4 If you need any help please feel free to contact Mr Zhang {ABC}
    5They send in a letter (or an email) and also a resume as well {ABC}
    1 Daniel invited John to the job interview {[答案]F}
    2 Daniel worked in Corporate PanAsia for 6 years {[答案]F}
    3 Daniel was in charge of the southwest region of Canada{ [答案]F}
    4 A 50 increase in sales over a threemonth period proved Daniel a good manager{ [答案]T }
    5 Teamwork helped Daniel achieve an outstanding increase{ [答案]T }
    If you don’t have much experience of making phone calls in English making a business call can be a worrying experience Most business people unless they feel very confident prepare for an important phone call in a foreign language by making notes in advance And during the call they make notes while they’re talking to help them to remember what was said Although it’s quick and convenient to phone someone to give them information or to ask questions the disadvantage is that there is nothing in writing to help you to remember what was said It’s essential to make notes and often when an agreement is reached on the phone one of the speakers will send a fax or email to confirm the main points that were made Because it’s so easy to be misunderstood when talking on the phone it’s a good idea to repeat any important information (especially numbers and names) back to the other person to make sure you’ve got it right Always make sure you know the name of the person you’re talking to If necessary ask them to spell it out to you so that you can make sure you’ve got it rightand try to use their name during the call And make sure that they know your name too
    1. If you don’t have much experience of making phone calls in English making a business call can be  {ABC}.
    A.an easy thing
    B.a happy experience
    [答案]C.a painful thing
    2.Most business people prepare for an important phone call in a foreign language by making notes in advance because  {ABC}.
    A.they are very careful
    [答案]B.their foreign language isn’t so good
    C.they don’t want to miss any important information
    3. When the speakers reach an agreement on the phone {ABC} will send a fax or email in order to confirm the main points that were made
    [答案]A.one of them
    B.both of them
    C.none of them
    4.What does IT refer to in the first sentence in _Paragraph Four_ …it’s a good idea to repeat any important information (especially numbers and names) back to the other person to make sure you’ve got IT right? {ABC}
    [答案]A.important information
    B.the other person
    C.a good idea
    5.The best title of this passage is {ABC}
    A.The Importance of Taking Notes
    [答案]B.Business Calls
    C.Talking on the Phone
    When a company needs to employ new people it may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website However nowadays people more often find such advertisements on a website
    Then people who are interested can apply for the job They send in a letter (or an email) and also a resume (or CV) as well
    The two parts are very important in jobhunting The former is used to apply for a certain position The latter is used to introduce his or her education background and work experiences
    But more and more companies may often ask people to fill out a standard form The company’s Human Resources Department will then select the most suitable people to attend an interview
    1. According to the passage where can we find job advertisements more often nowadays? {ABC}.
    A. In a magazine
    B.In a newspaper
    [答案]C.On a website
    2.How do people apply for a job?  {ABC}.
    A.By phone
    [答案]B.By email
    C.Go to visit the company
    3. Besides the application letter what else is also important?{ABC}
    [答案]A.A resume
    B.A picture
    C.A certificate
    4.What do companies provide to job applicants nowadays before they apply for jobs? {ABC}
    [答案]A.A standard form
    B.An invitation letter
    C.An email address
    5.Who is in charge of selecting the applicants for the coming interview?{ABC}
    A. The manager of the company
    [答案]B.The Human Resources Department
    C.The secretary of the manager
    JOHN:Thank you for agreeing to meet with me today
    JOHN:I can see from your resume you were_________________________[答案]D
    DANIEL:Yes I was in charge of the northwest region of China As a manager I was responsible for a 50 increase in sales over a threemonth period
    JOHN:What are the key reasons that helped you to achieve such an outstanding increase?
    A Can you please tell me about your responsibilities?
    B I believe teamwork is important
    C Thank you for inviting me
    D in charge of sales for Corporate PanAsia from 2008 to 2012
    E Very impressive
    单元测2 试题答案
    [题目]— Please make a detailed schedule for me
    [答案] Yes I will
    [题目]— We’ll have the sales meeting at 200 tomorrow afternoon won’t we?
    [答案] Yes After the meeting we’ll leave for Shanghai
    [题目]— Well after my report there’ll be a break for refreshments
    [答案] All right I see
    [题目]— When will you meet the general manager of Nile Co Mr Smith?
    [答案] At 1000 tomorrow morning
    [题目]— Where shall we have the meeting?
    [答案] In the first conference room
    [题目]China held the 22nd ________ APEC economic leader’s meeting in Beijing in 2014
    [答案] informal
    [题目]The marketing department ________ the sales for the last six months
    [答案] has summarized
    [题目]The meeting suggested ________ the loan first
    [答案] repaying
    [题目]The next shareholder’s meeting was ________ at the end of this year
    [答案] scheduled
    [题目]The seminar is about ________ the new staff members
    [答案] training
    [题目]The tenday display and sale ________ finished tomorrow
    [答案] will be
    [题目]There are some visitors ________ to our marketing department next week
    [答案] coming
    [题目]There was ________ in the meeting room as the general manager predicted the company’s sales target
    [答案] silence
    [题目]They ________ have no good plan for advertising on TV
    [答案] seem to
    [题目]Would you like to ________ a personal interview?
    [答案] arrange
    1.We’ve prepared the name cards to be put on the conference table for guests to sit by{ABC}
    2.It’s a way to avoid uncomfortable silences and build stronger relationships{ABC}
    3.Then the report was followed by a heated discussion{ABC}
    4.When familiar guests meet each other a greeting with a friendly smiling nodding or shaking hands is usually a decent way to show your good manners{ABC}
    5.If there are any items you would like to list on the agenda please let me know by email before the end of this week{ABC}
    1 What did John ask Linda to do for him? {ABC}
    A He asked her to meet the guests
    [答案]B He asked her to make a detailed schedule for him
    C He asked her to make a cup of tea for him
    2 What is Mr Jones’s position in his company? {ABC}
    A He is the president of Bestway Co
    [答案]B He is the general manager of Nile Co
    C He is the sales manager of Lee Brothers’
    3 What will they do at 230 tomorrow afternoon? {ABC}
    A They’ll meet the guests
    B They’ll have trade fairs
    [答案]C They’ll have a board meeting
    4 The board meeting will be finished at tomorrow afternoon {ABC}
    A 230
    [答案]B 330
    C 430
    5 Who’ll meet Mr Lee tomorrow afternoon? {ABC}
    [答案]A Bob
    B John
    C Linda
    Does everyone in your office always agree all the time? When someone makes a suggestion does everyone just smile and nod in agreement? When you bring forward an idea do people just accept it? Well if you answered yes to any of these questions you are in an extremely unusual workplace People are people And people butt heads They disagree they argue and they fight You can’t get around it But you can learn to deal with it
    To hold your own you need to learn how to argue effectively If you’ve got an opinion you need to defend it And if you have a problem with something a colleague has done you need to let them know This can make for some difficult discussions and meetings but this is just a part of life and business
    So how can you argue effectively? Well you need several skills
    1.From the first paragraph we can know that in the office {ABC}
    [答案]A.people sometimes argue
    B.people always agree
    C.people always get around it
    2.And people butt head means {ABC}
    A.people hit you with the top of their head
    B.people dislike each other
    [答案]C.people don’t always agree well with each other
    3.The writer suggests that if you get an opinion you need to {ABC}
    A.get around it
    B.learn how to deal with it
    [答案]C.argue in support of it
    4.You need several skills to  {ABC}
    A.let your colleagues know
    [答案]B.argue effectively
    C.make for discussions and meetings
    5.The main point of this passage is about {ABC}
    [答案]A.the fact of disagreement and argument in the office
    B.how to avoid disagreement and argument in the office
    C.how to argue effectively in the office
    Time:230 pm March 5 2015
    Place:Conference room second floor of 3T Co Ltd
    Participants:All the directors
    Chairman:Chairman of the board Mr William Forest
    Minutes keeper:Linda
    The main activities at the meeting are as follows
    Firstly Mr William Forest chairman of the board made a report on the work and total sales of the company this season Then the report was followed by a heated discussion
    Secondly all the directors agreed to hold a press conference for the company next month
    Thirdly the meeting suggested inviting experts from Canada to give a fiveday training course to staff in the Sales Department
    The meeting finished at 330 pm
    1 Who are the meeting participants?{ABC}
    A The executive assistants
    [答案]B The directors
    C The interviewees
    2 How many activities does the meeting have?{ABC}
    A The executive assistants
    B The directors
    [答案]C The interviewees
    3 Mr William Forest made a report {ABC} this season
    A on training course to staff in the Sales Department
    B on the advertisement policies of the company
    [答案]C on the work and total sales of the company
    4 What did all the directors agree to do? {ABC}
    A To carry out a training project in the company next year
    B To have another board meeting of all directors next season
    [答案]C To have a press conference for the company next month
    5 How long did the meeting last? {ABC}
    A 15 hours
    [答案]B 1 hour
    C 2 hour
    This is a situation you’ve probably experienced many times:you arrive for a meeting ten minutes early There are several people already there You say hello and then … What do you talk about? What do you say?
    In this situation you need to be able to make small talk Small talk is an informal conversation We use the term small talk because it is not about exchanging information or making decisions or having a serious discussion It’s a way to avoid uncomfortable silences and build stronger relationships
    Small talk might seem to be about nothing important but it is important in itself Being able to make small talk will allow you to make yourself part of a group It will set the stage for more serious types of communication
    1 Small talk is a kind of formal dialog {[答案]F}
    2 The term small talk means there are only two persons in the dialog {[答案]F}
    3 Small talk is a useful icebreaker and can build stronger relationships {[答案]T }
    4 Small talk is not at all important {[答案]F}
    5 Making small talk will allow you to be a member of a group{ [答案]T }
    JOHN:Good morning Linda There’ll be some people visiting our company tomorrow Please make a detailed schedule for me
    LINDA:Could you tell me who they are Mr Taylor?
    JOHN: _____[答案]C
    LINDA:We’ll have the board meeting at 230 tomorrow afternoon won’t we?
    LINDA:But the sales manager of Lee Brothers’ Mr Lee just called and insisted on seeing you tomorrow afternoon
    LINDA:He said that he would leave for London at 500 p m tomorrow
    LINDA:Yes Mr Taylor
    LINDA:No problem Mr Taylor
    A Oh The board meeting will be finished at about 330 You could arrange his appointment after that
    B All right then tell David to meet him tomorrow afternoon
    C Ok they are Mr Jones general manager of Nile Co and Mr Brown president of Bestway Co
    D Could you give me the schedule before 4 o’clock this afternoon?
    E Yes After the board meeting we’ll meet the guests It’s important to have them all here
    单元测3 试题答案
    [题目]— Do you have any suggestions about it?
    [答案] After I read it in detail I will tell you my opinion
    [题目]— Hi Bob I’d like to congratulate you on the progress of Beihai project
    [答案] Thank you John It is really an interesting project
    [题目]— Let me show you how to use the printer
    [答案] Thanks for your help
    [题目]— Mr Taylor this is the project plan you asked me to make last week
    [答案] Sure That’s a quick job
    [题目]— Would you please let me know something more about the project?
    [答案] OK I have divided my report into three parts the first part is an overview of the project
    [题目]Actually buyers are the group of people ________ want to buy certain goods or services
    [答案] who
    [题目]I have finished ________ your project plan
    [答案] reading
    [题目]I hope our plan will________ by the board
    [答案] be approved
    [题目]I’m sure you can ________ things out
    [答案] straighten
    [题目]It seems that the new project in Nanjing will be even ________ than your current project
    [答案] better
    [题目]Markets are the system that________ some people’s demands and some other people’s supplies
    [答案] bridges
    [题目]Now we have enlarged and________ our domestic market and European market
    [答案] consolidated
    [题目]Prices may change quickly if supply or demand________
    [答案] changes
    [题目]Sometimes buyers only purchase some ________  tangible or intangible
    [答案] assets
    [题目]The third part is the________ results
    [答案] expected
    1 No problem I will handle it for you{ABC}
    A 没问题控制手柄
    B 没问题操手柄
    [答案]C 没问题处理事情
    2 A free market is an economic system in which the price of goods and services is affected by supply and demand rather than controlled by a government{ABC}
    [答案]A 市场种济体系中商品服务价格受供需求影响政府控制
    B 市场济体系中商品服务价格供需求决定受政府影响
    C 市场种济体系体系中商品服务价格仅供需求决定政府控制
    3 However some tend to purchase intangible ones like shares futures etc {ABC}
    A 然趋购买形资产喜欢股票期货等
    [答案]B 然趋购买形资产例股票期货等  
    C 然趋购买形资产喜欢分享期货等  
    4 So in markets price matters a lot {ABC}
    [答案]A 市场价格重
    B 市场价格意味着
    C 市场价格方面事情
    5 The profits of our company increases steadily{ABC}
    A 公司利润总增长
    B 公司利润直增长
    [答案]C 公司利润稳步增长
    1 In the conversation Bob and John talk about three projects in total{ [答案]T }
    2 According to Bob the Beihai project is the most exciting one{ [答案]F}
    3 Bob has already finished the Beihai project and is going to work on the Jinan project{ [答案]F}
    4 The board will decide whether to approve or disapprove Bob’s plan on the Nanjing project{ [答案]T }
    5 Bob seems to have some problems in the current project{ [答案]T }
    From:Bob Smith < bobsmith@3texportcom>
    To:Tompson Harris
    1012 AM Monday Dec 21 2015
    Dear Mr Harris
    Thank you for your cooperation for our business in the recent years With your great help and support we have tripled our products in the last three years And the profits of our company increases steadily
    Now we have enlarged and consolidated our domestic market and European market Next step we intend to explore the North American market especially Canada’s and USA’s However we do not have good connections in this region
    Therefore we shall be very obliged if you could kindly introduce us to some of your reliable partners in North America who are interested in our products
    We look forward to your early reply Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
    Yours sincerely
    Bob Smith
    Project manager
    1 How does Bob begin with his email?{ABC}
    A With a selfintroduction
    B With his company’s current situation
    [答案]C With presenting thanks for help and support
    2 What’s the current situation of Bob’s company?{ABC}
    [答案]A Very good
    B Not so good
    C Just so so
    3 What are the market areas of Bob’s company?{ABC}
    A Domestic and Asian market
    B Domestic and North American market
    [答案]C Domestic and European market
    4 What is the recent plan of Bob’s company?{ABC}
    A To enlarge the domestic and European market
    [答案]B To explore the North American market
    C To withdraw from European market and strengthen the North American market
    5 What is the purpose of the email?{ABC}
    A To give best wishes for the coming Christmas and New Year
    [答案]B To ask for the introduction of some business partners in North America
    C To consolidate the business relationship
    You may get consumers who want very high quality services satisfied but at a higher price And the people who want nofrills service and cheap product will also get it at the other end of the market So competition allows a range of variety to occur in a market
    The benefit to society of competition is that it makes a major contribution to the fundamental economic issue which is the scarcity of productive resources It means that on the production side there is maximum pressure to conserve the use of those scarce productive resources On the demand side it also rations consumer demand appropriately and it also tends to mean that the variety of consumer needs can be met
    1 From the first paragraph of the passage we can know that usually there are {ABC} kinds of consumers who may get satisfied in a market
    [答案]A two
    B three
    C four
    2 What does it in the first sentence of paragraph 2 refer to?{ABC}
    A fundamental economic issue
    B the scarcity of productive resources
    [答案]C The benefit of competition
    3 The sentence in paragraph 1So competition allows a range of variety to occur in a market means {ABC}
    [答案]A competition makes the market supply various products and services
    B competition makes a lot of things occur in a market
    C competition makes different things occur in a market
    4 On the demand side competition also {ABC} appropriately
    A meets consumer needs
    [答案]B makes consumer rational
    C makes consumer satisfied
    5 The best title of this passage is {ABC}
    A Fundamental Economic Issue
    [答案]B The Benefit of Competition
    C Consumer Demand and Market
    JOHN:It seems that the new project in Nanjing will be even better than your current project
    BOB:_____ That is really an exciting project and I hope our plan will be approved by the board [答案]C
    JOHN:Good luck But unfortunately from what I’ve seen so far _____ [答案]D the Jinan project does not seem to _____[答案]E Is there any problem I can help with?
    BOB:Don’t worry Please believe me that _____ and I’ll get it back on track soon [答案]A
    JOHN:I’m sure you can straighten things out Well_____ Bob [答案]B
    A everything is under control
    B keep up the good work
    C You got it
    D I must mention that
    E be up to your usual standard
    单元测4 试题答案
    [题目]— When can you effect shipment? I’m worried about late shipment
    [答案] About in June
    [题目]— Good morning Far East Logistics Company This is Lin Hanxue May I help you?
    [答案] Good morning Ms Lin This is Daniel Anderson speaking
    [题目]— May I know the cost for a 20 feet container from Guangzhou to LA?
    [答案] It’s 2300 US dollars
    [题目]— Mr Taylor nice to see you again Welcome to our company
    [答案] Thank you Ms Lin I’ve come to see your packing for our woolen gloves
    [题目]— Oh but how long will it take to reach LA?
    [答案] Usually it takes around 12 days
    [题目]_________the expansion of international trade the container service has become popular
    [答案] With
    [题目]As a rule the buyer is responsible for _________ a ship or booking the shipping space
    [答案] chartering
    [题目]But the charge will be_________ and it also slows down delivery
    [答案] higher
    [题目]Could you use cardboard boxes_________ the shoes?
    [答案] to pack
    [题目]Goods are carried by several_________ of transporton road or rail by sea or air
    [答案] means
    [题目]I_________ packing in wooden cases
    [答案] prefer
    [题目]I’d like to know what time we can get the container_________ it is in the port
    [答案] when
    [题目]Small holes should be made in the_________  cloth to let the moisture out
    [答案] waterproof
    [题目]The woolen gloves should_________ in twenty boxes
    [答案] be packed
    [题目]We usually ship the goods by regular_________
    [答案] liner
    1.We usually make a direct shipment unless the customers require transshipment{ABC}
    2 It takes around two working days to unload the containers{ABC}   
    3.Transport plays an important part in international business because goods produced have to be delivered to the buyers abroad{ABC}
    4.All the boxes should be packed in a carton{ABC}
    5.Modern logistics is one of the most exciting jobs in the world{ABC}
    1 Could you tell me how you ship the goods?{[答案]C }
    2 But we hope you can make a direct shipment{ [答案]E}
    3 When can you effect shipment? I'm worried about late shipment{ [答案]A }
    4 That’ll be too lateCan you do something about it to advance the shipment to April{ [答案]B}
    5 Will you take the responsibility of chartering a ship{ [答案]D }
    A Around in June
    B It'll be hard to handleThe aerliest possible date of delivery would be the end of May
    C We really ship the goods by regular liner
    D Under FOB termsthe buyer is responsible for chartering a ship or booking the shipping space
    E It'll be hard to handle The aerliest possible date of delivery would be the end of May
    Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods Raw materials are products of the land such as cotton timber or rubber Some raw materials such as iron ore come from mines These raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where they are made into manufactured goods
    Some countries produce food for export for example meat sugar or cereals such as wheat and maize These countries are agricultural countries An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate A cold dry climate is not suitable for agriculture
    A country which produces manufactured goods is known as an industrialized country An industrialized country cannot always produce enough food for its own needs In this case it does not export foodstuffs Instead it has to import them It relies on exports of manufactured products and pays for imports with the money it earns from the exported goods
    1 From the first sentence of the passage we can know that there are {ABC} kinds of exports
    [答案]A two
    B three
    C four
    2 Raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where {ABC}
    A they are consumed
    [答案]B they are made into finished products
    C they are wasted
    3 The countries which produce food for export for example meat sugar or cereals such as wheat and maize are {ABC} countries
    A developed
    B industrial
    [答案]C agricultural
    4 An industrialized country usually has to import foodstuffs because {ABC}
    [答案]A it cannot always produce enough food for its own needs
    B it doesn’t has fertile land and a good climate
    C it relies on exports of manufactured products
    5 The best title of this passage is {ABC}
    A Agriculture and Industry
    [答案]B Export
    C Production
    February 1 2015
    Dear Ms Lin
    Special Requirements for Packing (Order No MI 063)
    With reference to the order of woolen gloves above the packing instructions 1 (list) as follows:
    ? The woolen gloves 2 (pack) in twenty boxes and the boxes 3 (pack) in a carton All the boxes 4 (put) close together in order to avoid being flattened
    ? The carton 5 (line) with waterproof cloth inside and 6 (strap) with metal bands outside which is strong enough for sea transportation
    ? Small holes 7 (make) in the waterproof cloth to let the moisture out
    Please 8 (follow) the packing instructions above Thank you for your attention
    Yours sincerely
    Daniel Anderson
    1 The woolen gloves should be {ABC}
    A packed in a carton
    B strong enough
    [答案]C packed in twenty boxes
    2 All the boxes were put close together {ABC}
    A for sea transportation
    [答案]B to avoid being crushed
    C to be in good order
    3 The carton was strapped with metal bands outside {ABC}
    [答案]A to be strong enough
    B to let the moisture out
    C to be waterproof
    4 To let the moisture out small holes should be made {ABC}
    A in twenty boxes
    [答案]B in the waterproof cloth
    C in the carton
    5 The main purpose of the letter is to {ABC}
    A order woolen gloves
    [答案]B follow packing instructions
    C make packing instructions
      Transportation plays an important part in international business because goods produced have to be delivered to the buyers abroad and the delivery of goods is to be made possible by transportayion services Goods are carried by several means of transportation — on road or rail by sea or airAnd in recent yearscombined transportation which is a roadsearail carriage has appeared
       With the expansion of international trade the container service has become popular The use of containers provides a highly effective form of transportation by road rail and sea Basically about 98 of world trade is carried out by sea transportationBesides transportation by sea road or rail nowadays in order to speed up delivery carriage by air has also become popular
    1 Transportation plays an important part in international business because goods produced have to be sent to everywhere in the world{ [答案]F}
    2 Usually goods are carried by many ways of transportation{ [答案]F}
    3 In recent years combined transportation which is a roadsearail carriage appeared{ [答案]T }
    4 With the expansion of international trade the container service has become popular{ [答案]T }
    5 The use of containers gives a very helpful method of transportation by air{ [答案]F}
    Hanxue:Well we have several ways of _____[答案]D
    Daniel:Good A nice wrapping that catches the eye will certainly help push sales
    Hanxue:Right the woolen gloves appeal to the eye as well as to the purse
    Hanxue:We’ll pack them a dozen in a cardboard box _____[答案]E
    Daniel:Why not wooden cases? _____[答案]A
    Hanxue:But the charge will be higher and it also slows down delivery
    Daniel:I see I’ll _____[答案]C
    Hanxue:Please do I’ll be waiting for your early reply
    A They are stronger for sea shipment
    B How do you pack them
    C contact home soon for instructions
    D packing woolen gloves for sea shipment and for shelf selling
    E each with 6 different colors ten boxes in a carton
    单元测5 试题答案
    [题目] ________improve your service you need to make market surveys so as to know what your customers are thinking and demanding
    [答案] In order to
    [题目] ________ your customers what they need and more than they expect will lead customers to return to you
    [答案] Giving
    [题目]Every business has its ups and downs and so ________ every person
    [答案] does
    [题目]—Hello David I haven’t heard from you for a long time How have you been recently?
    [答案] Not bad thank you
    [题目]—Hi Lily what’s up with Mike? I heard the boss yelling at Mike earlier today  
    [答案] It’s said that Mike made a mistake and then tried to cover it up
    [题目]—I bet that Mike wished you had told him that earlier
    [答案] Well Mike isn’t a fool he won’t do that again
    [题目]I bet that Mike wished you________ him that earlier
    [答案] had told
    [题目]In this way you will stay________ in these changing times
    [答案] competitive
    [题目]It is better to tell someone to get it________ 
    [答案] fixed
    [题目]—Oh But why didn’t he just own up and tell someone?
    [答案] He was too scared that he would be fired I suppose
    [题目]The quality specifications and prices are________ in our contract
    [答案] clarified
    [题目]The reexamination results indicate that onethird of the goods are not _____ standard
    [答案] up to
    [题目]We are entitled to cancel it if you fail to _____ the contract
    [答案] honor
    [题目]We try our best to _____ your requirement
    [答案] meet
    [题目]—Your request for compensation made me surprised What happened?
    [答案] It’s because of the quality
    1 Why did David call John?{ABC}
    A He wanted to meet an old friend
    [答案]B He wanted to ask for compensation
    C He wanted to talk about a new contract
    2 What’s wrong with the goods which David has bought?{ABC}
    [答案]A They are not up to the standard
    B They are not loaded on time
    C They are not properly loaded
    3 How did David prove that the goods have quality problems?{ABC}
    [答案]A He had them reexamined
    B He used them according to specifications
    C He looked into the contract
    4 What can David do if the goods do not meet the requirements?{ABC}
    A Honor the contract
    [答案]B Cancel the contract
    C Load the goods
    5 How did John face this complaint?{ABC}
    A He denied ( 否认) this problem
    B He didn’t want to give a reply
    [答案]C He agreed to look into this problem seriously
    It’s clear that success and failure are important and common topics Every business has its ups and downs and so does every person In other words sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail Another common way of saying this is You win some and you lose some Nobody wins all the time not even in the great success stories that we read or hear about
    Think of a successful entrepreneur Now do you think that person achieved great success on his first attempt? In 99 of cases the answer is no Every successful businessperson learned through failure Now have a look at your favorite business news site You’ll see that almost every story can be put into either the category of success or that of failure Businesses either grow or shrink but they don’t remain the same
    1 Every person has his or her ups and downs{ [答案]T }
    2 A common saying You win some and you lose some means that sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail{ [答案]T }
    3 99 of successful businessmen achieved great success on their first try{ [答案]F}
    4 Successful businessmen learn through failure{ [答案]T }
    5 Businesses either shrink or remain the same{ [答案]F}
    It’s clear that success and failure are important and common topics Every business has its ups and downs and so does every person In other words sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail Another common way of saying this is You win some and you lose some Nobody wins all the time not even in the great success stories that we read or hear about
    Think of a successful entrepreneur Now do you think that person achieved great success on their first attempt? In 99 of cases the answer is no Every successful businessperson learned through failure Now have a look at your favorite business news site You’ll see that almost every story can be put into either the category of success or that of failure Businesses either grow or shrink but they don’t remain the same
    1 Every person has his or her ups and downs{ [答案]T }
    2 A common saying You win some and you lose some means that sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail{ [答案]T }
    3 Ninety nine percent of successful businessmen achieved great success on their first try{ [答案]F}
    4 Successful businessmen learn through failure{ [答案]T }
    5 Businesses either shrink or remain the same{ [答案]F}
    CLERK:Hello Big City Electricity how may I help you today?
    PETERS:_____ [答案]C
    CLERK:May I have your account number?
    PETERS:Certainly it’s 4392107
    CLERK:Thank you is this Mr Peters?
    PETERS:Yes this is Mr Peters
    CLERK:Thank you What can I help you with?
    CLERK:I’m sorry to hear that _____[答案]E
    PETERS:The bill is 300 higher than last month
    CLERK:Terribly sorry for that Let me ask you a few questions and then I’ll see what I can do
    PETERS:OK Thank you for your help
    CLERK:Of course thank you for calling this to our attention Now how much do you usually pay for your electricity?
    PETERS:I usually pay about 50 a month
    CLERK:Thank you _____[答案]D
    PETERS:200 I can’t understand why
    CLERK:Yes Mr Peters Was your usage different in any way?
    PETERS:No it was an average month
    CLERK:I’m sorry there certainly seems to be a mistake
    PETERS:Well I’m happy you agree with me
    CLERK:I’ll contact a service representative And what’s your phone number?
    CLERK:_____ We’ll do our best to change this as quickly as possible [答案]B
    PETERS:Thank you for your help in clearing this up
    A I think I’ve been overcharged for the past month
    B I’m terribly sorry about the mistake
    C I’m calling concerning my electricity bill
    D And how much did we charge on this bill?
    E Why do you think we charged you too much?
    单元测6 试题答案
    [题目]— Hello Sally What’s the matter with you? You look worried
    [答案] What shall I do if a customer doesn’t pay up on the due date?
    [题目]— Sally could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working
    [答案] Sure why do you need it?
    [题目]— The senior managers need the results from last month straight away so I can’t stop to talk I’ve got to hurry
    [答案] Ok see you later
    [题目]— What if he still doesn't pay up?
    [答案] If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt For larger sums we…
    [题目]— You need to work with other colleagues to look after that
    [答案] If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt For larger sums we…
    [题目] ______ is very important that you don’t make any mistakes when you calculate those figures
    [答案] It
    [题目] ______ your check is received within a week we shall have no alternative
    [答案] Unless
    [题目]A week ago I sent him a statement______ the amount overdue
    [答案] showing
    [题目]After that we have to post______ letters
    [答案] a series of
    [题目]Don’t worry so much ______ is my job
    [答案] worrying
    [题目]For larger sums we take legal steps to______ the money
    [答案] recover
    [题目]He didn’t seem to______ any actions
    [答案] take
    [题目]I have to______ the profit from last month
    [答案] work out
    [题目]Those numbers come to mean the world to you______ they give you the record of how much money you’ve earned or lost
    [答案] because
    [题目]We are usually very prompt______ settling your accounts
    [答案] in
    1 Lily’s calculator is not working{ [答案]F}
    2 Lily’s calculator has more functions and is faster{ [答案]T }
    3 Sally has to work out the profit from last year{ [答案]F}
    4 Calculating figures requires great attention{ [答案]T }
    5 Sally will return the calculator as soon as she finishes the job{ [答案]T }
    Every company has an accounting office or a finance department that looks {ABC} its accounting details An accounting department is the backbone(脊梁)of every business It records all the business transactions(交易) and keeps a track(记录) of the incomes(收入) and expenses(支出)of the business The accounting department also helps to determine the correct financial position and standing of the business For a systematic(系统)and {ABC} recording of transactions accounting is important
    The purpose of accounting is recording all the transactions honestly and accurately in the Books of Accounts(账) The accounting process can be defined {ABC}the process that begins when the transaction takes place and ends {ABC} the transaction is recorded in the books of accounts It includes a series of steps that {ABC} to analyze(分析)and record the business transactions for a particular period
    1 [答案]B after
    2 [答案]A accurate
    3 [答案]B at
    4 [答案]C what
    5 [答案]A use
      Accounting could date back to about 7000 years ago People of that time relied on old accounting methods to record the growth of crops and herds Accounting has greatly developed with the growth of jointstock companies
      When you think of accounting you may find pages of tables and numbers That image doesn’t usually give you too much excitement When you have your own business though those numbers come to mean the world to you because they give you the record of how much money you’ve earned or lost
      Actually accounting is not simply about strange dollar amounts or boring numbersthey’re your sales figures your costs and your profits In other words accounting is a language of business Once you know how to work with those numbers how to read those numbers and how to read the story they tell you will be able to manage your business toward greater success
    1 Accounting could date back to about {ABC} years ago
    [答案]A 7000
    B 6000
    C 5000
    2 People in the old days relied on old accounting methods to record {ABC}
    A how much money they had
    B management of their business
    [答案]C the growth of crops and herds
    3 Accounting has greatly changed with the development of {ABC}
    A crops and herds
    [答案]B jointstock companies
    C internet companies
    4 Accounting is very important in your business because it shows {ABC}
    [答案]A how much money you’ve earned or lost
    B pages full of tables and numbers
    C strange dollar amounts or boring numbers
    5 According to the writer accounting is {ABC}
    A a language of business
    B your sales figures your costs and your profits
    [答案]C Both A and B
    _Dear Sirs_
    _Account No8756_
    1 {[答案]C}
    2 {[答案]E}
    3 {[答案]A}
    4 {[答案]D}
    5 {[答案]B}
    A Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated If you have any questions regarding this account please contact our office as soon as possible
    B Regards Lily
    C Please note that your account No8756 was already a month overdue As you are usually very prompt in settling your accounts we wonder whether there is any special reason
    D If payment has recently been made please accept our thanks and ignore this reminder
    E We think you may not have received the statement of account we sent you on August 30 showing the balance of US 80000 you owe We are sending you a copy and hope it may have your early attention
    单元测7 试题答案
    — Besides Bank of China you can get the money exchanged in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China China Construction Bank etc
    [答案] Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banks?
    — It arrives by mail I suppose
    [答案] How does your remittance come?
    [题目]— Can I exchange foreign currency in Bank of China?
    [答案] Yes you can Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank
    [题目]— How long does the remittance take from New York?
    [答案] I’m not sure It depends on the mode your partner chose
    — Today’s rate is listed on the board here
    [答案] What’s the exchange rate today?
    [题目]18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins ______ 2002
    [答案] since
    [题目]I’ll ______ the remittance for you in our records
    [答案] check up
    [题目]I’ll get your RMB for you while you’re ______ these forms
    [答案] filling out
    [题目]If you want to pay ______ something in another currency you have to change your money into the other money
    [答案] for
    [题目]The question ______ we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team
    [答案] whether
    [题目]This is a real bank ______ is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old
    [答案] which
    [题目]This story is about some American students ______ learnt business skills by operating their own banks
    [答案] who
    [题目]We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can ______ 17 kinds of currencies into RMB
    [答案] convert
    [题目]We’re sorry to tell you that your remittance ______ yet
    [答案] hasn’t arrived
    [题目]Wherever you go exchanging money ______ you in touch with international finance
    [答案] puts
    1 Precious metals such as gold and silver have been used as money{ABC}
    A 贵重金属里包括黄金白银货币
    [答案]B 诸黄金白银等类贵重金属作货币
    C 贵重金属里黄金白银货币代
    2 I’d like to know whether a remittance of fifty thousand dollars from New York has arrived{ABC}
    A 想确认纽约否汇出金额5万美金汇款
    B 想知道否纽约汇笔5万美金汇款
    [答案]C 想解纽约汇出笔5万美金汇款否已账
    3 I’ll give you a call when the remittance arrives{ABC}
    [答案]A 汇款帐您电话
    B 您电话询问汇款什时候帐
    C 您电话汇款帐
    4 Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business{ABC}
    A 银行业务包含教授孩子理营
    [答案]B 理营银行孩子学关银行业务知识
    C 孩子学银行知识应理营银行
    1 Remittance is the common way of {[答案]D}
    2 Checking a remittance needs {[答案]C}
    3 Two modes of remittance are mentioned in the dialog {[答案]A}
    4 Different modes of remittance {[答案]E}
    5 Usually it costs more time {[答案]B}
    A remittance by cable and remittance by mail
    B to transfer funds by mail than by cable
    C a customer’s name and account number
    D transferring funds among different places
    E take different working days
    All children want to have pocket money Why do their parents just give them a certain amount? One main purpose is to let kids learn _____ their own money
    First of all children are expected to _____ a choice between spending and saving Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money
    Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things _____ they can do with the money They can spend it by giving it to a good cause They can spend it _____ buying things they want They can save it for future use Saving helps children _____ that costly goals require sacrifice Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing for children
    1 [答案]B how to manage
    2 [答案]C make
    3 [答案]A that
    4 [答案]C by
    5 [答案]B understand
    American students learn business skills in school Here is a story about some American students who learnt business skills by operating their own banks
    In December 1987 the Twiglet Bank was opened at an Elementary School in Miami Florida It is a real bank that accepts money for savings and makes loans and it is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old The bank is open for one hour two days a week Students can put their money into the bank and withdraw it as they wish Officials from a local bank helped the students start the bank They trained twentythree of them to do all the different kinds of bank jobs from counting money to guarding the bank The students needed money to start the bank They raised more than 2000 by selling 50dollar shares in the bank to parents teachers the local bank workers and customers
    Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business They have learned about raising and investing money and how to use computers and other banking equipment They have also learned how to ask for a job and to be responsible for their jobs
    1 Who helped these children start a bank?{ABC}
    A Parents
    B Teachers
    [答案]C Bank staff
    2 How did children raise money for their bank?{ABC}
    A Their schools provided financial support for them
    [答案]B They sold shares to their parents teachers local bank workers and customers
    C They found an organization to donate a set of fund
    3 Who is currently operating Twiglet Bank?{ABC}
    [答案]A Teenagers
    B Community
    C Government
    4 Which is not TRUE for the benefits of children from operating their own banks?{ABC}
    A They learned how to use computers and banking equipment
    B They learned how to find a job and do it well
    [答案]C They learned how to produce the money
    5 What is the best title for this passage?{ABC}
    A A Bank of Miami
    [答案]B A Students’ Bank
    C The Operation of American Banks
    Beads stones seashells paper precious metals such as gold and silver base metals such as iron have all been used as money Today money is printed on paper A lot of countries use their own currency with names such as dollar pound franc ruble yuan and so on Since 2002 18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins
    If you want to pay for something in another currency you have to change your money into the other money If you want to travel outside your native country you need to change your own country’s money for the money of the country you are visiting Most large banks sell foreign currencies You can exchange money at a bank or at an office of a tourist agency
    Wherever you go exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance which is concerned with exchange rates between different currencies Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the most complex aspects of international banking
    1 This best title for this passage is The history of money{ [答案]F}
    2 Euro is available in all EU member countries{ [答案]F}
    3 Foreign exchange rates have significant impact on the economy of a country {[答案]T}
    4 Currency means money in the form of paper{ [答案]F}
    5 Banks are a good option to get your money exchanged {[答案]T}
    单元测8 试题答案
    [题目]— I wonder whether I could accept this discount or not
    [答案] Why not consult with your manager?
    [题目]— It’s nice to meet you in my office
    [答案] I am here today to discuss the trademark transfer with you
    [题目]— We are planning to register the trademark of Red Dragon for your new product What’s your opinion about this brand name?
    [答案] I suggest that you should give it up
    [题目]— We think 55000 would be reasonable for transferring our trademark
    —_________________________________That’s too high
    [答案] Oh my goodness
    [题目]— What’s the purpose of your visit today?
    [答案] I’m intending to ask for your advice on brand design
    [题目] The question ______ we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team
    [答案] whether
    [题目]Do you think you could cut it______30?
    [答案] by
    [题目]Few people realized the value of a brand ______ ?
    [答案] did they
    [题目]For Europeans red can______ danger
    [答案] stand for
    [题目]I’ve learned______ today
    [答案] something new
    [题目]It is a fact______ his wife Josephine Dickson always had some minor accidents
    [答案] that
    [题目]Many companies spend a lot of money and time______  their trademarks
    [答案] registering
    [题目]We’ll let your know when we______  a decision
    [答案] make
    [题目]You are planning to export this product to Europe ______?
    [答案] aren’t you
    [题目]You won’t choose this brand name ______ ?
    [答案] will you
    1 I am very sorry for coming late but something urgent came up at the last minute{ABC}
    A 抱歉晚分钟里想起某件事
    [答案]B 抱歉迟走时突然遇急事
    C 抱歉迟分钟里紧急处理某件事情
    2 Let’s get down to business{ABC}
    A 坐谈买卖吧
    B 起做生意吧
    [答案]C 谈正事吧
    3 I think it’s preferable for you to change the brand name{ABC}   
    [答案]A 认您换商标
    B 宁愿您换商标名
    C 考虑您必须取消商标名
    4 Would you think it overfor the sake of our long partnership?{ABC}
    A 您考虑继续长期合作?
    B 您想起合作?
    [答案]C 长期合作您否做考虑呢?
    1 Why did John pay a visit to Miller?{ABC}
    A He wanted to buy a set of equipment
    B He planned to sign an agreement
    [答案]C He’d like to talk about the trademark transfer
    2 Why was John’s company interested in using Miller’s trademark?{ABC}
    [答案]A The trademark is very famous around the world
    B They need to extend their business scope
    C They hope to set up a branch
    3 What will John provide for using Miller’s trademark?{ABC}
    A He is going to devote the labor force
    [答案]B He is going to pay a sum of money
    C He is going to build a new plant
    4 What price can Miller accept?{ABC}
    A 38500
    B 44000
    [答案]C 49500
    5 When will John give the feedback to Miller?{ABC}
    [答案]A After he talks with his manager
    B After he makes a careful calculation
    C After he does a market survey
    When you go shopping and want to buy some clothesyou should think about which kind of clothes you really need and decide how _____ money you can_____ on them Then look at the labels that are inside the new clothes They tell you how to _____ the clothes The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water A sweater label may tell you to wash it in cold water The label on a coat may say dry clean only and cleaning in water may _____ this coat If you do _____ the directions say on the label you can keep your clothes looking their best
    1 [答案]A much
    2 [答案]B spend
    3 [答案]C take care of
    4 [答案]C ruin
    5 [答案]A as
    Earle Dickson worked for a company manufacturing gauze and tape called Johnson & Johnson We will never know the reason but it is a fact that his wife Josephine Dickson always had some minor accidents During the first week of their marriage she hurt herself twice with the kitchen knife After that it just went from bad to worse It seemed that Josephine was always cutting herself
    One day Earle Dickson had an idea He sat down with some tape and gauze and a pair of scissors Then he cut the tape into strips In the middle of each strip he stuck a little square of gauze From then on whenever Josephine had an accident readymade bandages were on hand for her to use quickly and without a lot of fuss
    At Johnson & Johnson people heard about these new bandages which could be put on in thirty seconds Soon the company started to try these bandages on the market Slowly they were accepted by the public Four years later in 1924 the company installed machines for mass producing the new product with the trade name BANDAID
    1 When did Mrs Dickson often cut herself?{ABC}
    A When she did gardening
    [答案]B When she did cooking
    C When she did shopping
    2 Why did Mr Dickson decide to make the bandages by himself?{ABC}
    A Because he was interested in studying them
    B Because the company asked him to do it
    [答案]C Because his wife was often in a mass when she cut herself
    3 What does the word readymade mean for?{ABC}
    A It means something you need to prepare
    B It means something you have to make by yourself
    [答案]C It means something you can use at once
    4 What is the main reason for company’s mass production on the bandages Mr Dickson invented?{ABC}
    A The bandages are cheap for workers
    [答案]B The bandages are necessary for women
    C The bandages are welcomed by people
    5 What is the best title for this passage?{ABC}
    [答案]A The Invention of BANDAID
    B The Instruction to BANDAID
    C The Products of BANDAID
    Brand refers to names logos and slogans For example Nike is known for its slogan _Just do it_ and swoosh logo A trademark shows the origin and ownership of a product or service which is used to protect names logos drawings symbols and other characters related with a business Coke? and Cocacola? are registered trademarks of the CocaCola Company
    Many companies spend a lot of money and time registering their trademarksThere are at least two good reasons for this Firstly if you trademark a brand you are the only person allowed to use that Brand name slogan etcIf others want to use that brand they must ask your permission or pay some money Secondly registration also allows the owner to bring legal action against anyone who uses the trademark without authorization
    There are basic trademark symbols eg TM for goods and SM for service They tell the public that the product’s name and design are the exclusive property of the company but a registered trademark ? provides notice that it has indeed been registered
    1 According to the writer it is not necessary for a company to register a trademark{ [答案]F}
    2 A trademark may be regarded as a protection for a brand name{ [答案]T}
    3 The trademark symbols TM and ? can be exchanged in a brand{ [答案]F}
    4 Legal protection on a brand comes into force only after registration{ [答案]T}
    5 A company can freely use other companies’ brands{ [答案]F}




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    [题目]— How would you like to go?—__________________.[答案]I'd like to fly to Frankfurt for a stay of...

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    单元自测1 Unit 1题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目一、选择填空[题目]— Hi! How are you doing.?— ________________[答案]C....

    27636    1


    [题目]— Hi! How are you doing.?— ________________[答案]C. I'm doing well. [题目]—Albert, this is Jim. —...

    1139    0


    单元自测1 试题及答案题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目[题目]--- Haven't seen you for ages, Mike. ________________.---...

    10370    0


    说明:课程编号:04017。 适用专业及层次:城市轨道交通运营管理、工商管理(工商企业管理方向)、工商管理(市场营销方向)、旅游(酒店管理方向)、旅游(旅游管理方向)和行政管理专科。 ...

    13058    0


    说明:课程代码:04005; 适用专业:道路桥梁工程施工与管理、工程造价管理、机械设计与自动化、计算机网络技术、计算机信息管理、建筑施工与管理、水利水电工程与管理和汽车运用与维修技术专...

    7780    0


    [题目]– Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?– ________________________________[答案]I...

    4585    0


    [题目]—Do you have much experience with caring for babies?—________.[答案]Yes, I do. I often take car...

    17401    1


    [最新]国开电大本科《人文英语4》形考任务(单元自测1至8)试题及答案题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目单元自测1 试题及答案l [题目]– Do you think I c...

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    [题目] — This project is too big for me to finish on time.—________________.[答案]I'll give you a han...

    7188    0


    说明:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择题(试题随机,抽下面试题中的其中5道) -Can you please tell me about your resp...

    383    0


    一、选择填空题[题目]_________dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road![答案]How[题目]_________pity you miss...

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    说明:课程代码:04014; 适用专业及层次:法学、广告、汉语言文学、教育管理、社会工作、小学教育和学前教育专科; 考试平台:http://www.ouchn.cn。单元自测...

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    说明:课程代码:04006; 适用专业:道路桥梁工程施工与管理、工程造价管理、机械设计与自动化、计算机网络技术、计算机信息管理、建筑施工与管理、水利水电工程与管理和汽车运用与维修技术专...

    4054    0


    说明:课程代码:04018; 适用专业及层次:行政管理; 考试平台:http://www.ouchn.cn。单元自测1 试题及答案题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜...

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    一、选择填空题[题目]_________dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road![答案]How[题目]_________pity you miss...

    1496    0


    题目为随机,用快捷键查找功能搜索题目[题目]―_________________.―I’m very glad to hear that.[答案]I’m sure to come on time...

    687    0


    3897国开电大专科《商务英语1》形考任务(单元自测1至8)试题及答案(精华版)说明:资料为国开平台形考和期末纸质考试的必备资料。单元自测1 试题及答案题目为随机,用快捷键查找功能搜索题...

    994    0




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