
    —Everything is going smoothly
    [答案]What do you think of everything
    —Firefire service please There's a huge fire here
    [答案]911how may I direct your call
    —Firefire service please There's a huge fire here
    [答案]911how may I direct your call
    —Generally speakingwe are concerned with all aspects of promoting good health
    [答案]What health care programs are there in the community
    —It's probably somebody that dialed the wrong number
    [答案]Aren't you going to answer the phone
    —NosorryI didn't know the rule about punching in
    [答案]Didn't you punch in this morningWendy
    —Once or twice a week
    [答案]How often will you arrange for me to visit someone at home
    —She gave two weeks
    [答案]How much time did she give
    —To sum upit is a continual processfrom a newborn baby to the end of one's life
    [答案]What does Community Health Service mean exactly
    —We have sent out leaflets to all residentsexplaining what to do in an emergency
    [答案]What have you talked to the public
    —We have three major divisions:OperationsSales and MarketingFinance and Administration
    [答案]How many departments do we have
    —With pleasureEmergency planning covers several different aspects
    [答案]Could you explain how your work on emergency planning is going on
    —_______about it now[部资料]
    —Every time a customer has complained we've followed our store policy and offered them an exchange or a full refund
    [答案]What's being done
    —Anything else[部资料]
    [答案]Moreoverwe provide education relating to depression and anxiety
    ―Are you going on holiday for a long time[2020年1月试题2021年1月试题]
    [答案]No only a couple of days
    —Are you going on holiday for a long time[部资料]
    — _____________
    [答案]It was a long time
    ―Could I help you with the heavy box You look so tired [2018年7月试题]
    ―_________I can manage it
    [答案]No Thanks
    —Could I help you with your heavy box You are so tired [部资料]
    ―_________I can manage it
    ―Could I help you with your heavy box You are so tired [2020年7月试题2021年7月试题]
    ―_________I can manage it
    ―Do you mind if I smoke here [2017年6月试题2019年1月试题]
    [答案]Yes better not
    —Do you mind if I smoke here[部资料]
    [答案]Yesbetter not
    —Does she speak French or German[部资料]
    —She doesn't_________
    ―Good morningVolunteering Matters how can I help you [2019年1月试题]
    ―Good morning I'd like to find out_______
    [答案]how I could become a volunteer
    —Good morningVolunteering Mattershow can I help you[部资料]
    [答案]Good morningI'd like to find out how I could become a volunteer
    ―How did you find your visit to Qingdao Joanna [2020年1月试题2021年1月试题]
    [答案]Ohwonderful indeed
    —How did you find your visit to QingdaoJoanna[部资料]
    [答案]Oh wonderful indeed
    ―How did you miss your train [2018年7月试题2019年1月试题2021年1月试题]
    [答案]WellI was caught in the traffic jam
    —How did you miss your train[部资料]
    [答案]WellI was caught in the traffic jam
    ―How is everything going [2018年7月试题]
    ―_________we've been quite busy this month and there' s been quite a lot of progress since the last inspection [答案]As you can see
    —How is everything going[部资料]
    ―_________we've been quite busy this month and there's been quite a lot of progress since the last inspection
    [答案]As you can see
    ―Hurry up If the fire spreads to the stairs it could block our way out [2020年1月试题]
    ―_________This is no time for talking
    [答案]You're right
    —Hurry up If the fire spreads to the stairsit could block our way out[部资料]
    ―_________This is no time for talking
    [答案]You're right
    —I suggest you offer affected customers a discount on their next store purchaseexplain the situation and apologize to them[部资料]
    —Rightof course___________________
    [答案]I'll get on it right away
    ―I suppose there'11 be a lot of arguments [2017年6月试题2019年1月试题2021年7月试题]
    [答案]I should imagine so
    —I suppose there'll be a lot of arguments[部资料]
    — __________________
    [答案]I should imagine so
    ―I wish you success in your career [2019年7月试题]
    — __________________
    [答案]The same to you
    —I wish you success in your career[部资料]
    — __________________
    [答案]The same to you
    ―I wonder if I could use your computer tonight [2020年7月试题2021年7月试题]
    — __________________
    [答案]Sure go ahead
    —I wonder if I could use your computer tonight[部资料]
    — __________________
    [答案]Surego ahead
    —I'd like to take a look first at those structural support beams that were going to be put in place on the second floor[部资料]
    —____________here's your jacket and helmetand you'd better put on these boots as wellit's our site policy
    —If you invite a Muslim to dinnerwhat are you advised not to order for him[部资料]
    — __________________
    ―I'm dog tired I can't walk any further Tommy [2018年7月试题2020年1月试题2020年9月试题]
    ―_________ Jenny You can do it
    [答案]Come on
    —I'm dog tiredI can't walk any furtherTommy[部资料]
    ―_________JennyYou can do it
    [答案]Come on
    ―I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow [2018年1月试题2020年7月试题2020年9月试题2021年7月试题]
    — __________________
    [答案]Have a pleasant trip
    —I'm leaving for Shanghai tomorrow[部资料]
    — __________________
    [答案]Have a pleasant trip
    ―I'm more than happy to go out this weekend [2018年1月试题2019年7月试题2020年7月试题]
    ―_________We've got so much work to do at that time
    [答案]Forget it
    —I'm more than happy to go out this weekend[部资料]
    ―_________We've got so much work to do at that time
    [答案]Forget it
    ―In what form will you take the investment [2018年1月试题]
    — __________________
    [答案]We'll contribute a site and the required premises
    —In what form will you take the investment[部资料]
    — __________________
    [答案]We'll contribute a site and the required premises
    —Is it more advisable to upgrade our present facilities than taking the risk of opening a new park[部资料]
    — __________________
    [答案]I don't think so
    —Is it possible for you to expand business there[部资料]
    — __________________
    [答案]YesI think so
    ―It's getting dark I'm afraid I must be off now [2019年7月试题]
    [答案]See you
    —It's getting darkI'm afraid I must be off now[部资料]
    — OK_________
    [答案]See you
    ―I've started my own software company [2021年1月试题]
    — __________________
    [答案]No kidding Congratulations
    —I've started my own software company[部资料]
    — __________________
    [答案]No kidding Congratulations
    ―Jack won't like the film you know [2018年7月试题]
    ―_________I don't care what Jack thinks
    [答案]So what
    —Jack won't like the filmyou know[部资料]
    ―_________I don't care what Jack thinks
    [答案]So what
    ―Perhaps we should climb out of the window and jump down It's only two floors[2018年1月试题]
    ―_________We'd better wait for the rescue
    [答案]No we can't do that
    —Perhaps we should climb out of the window and jump down It's only two floors[部资料]
    ―_________We'd better wait for the rescue
    [答案]Nowe can't do that
    ―Sorry I made a mistake again[2017年6月试题2019年1月试题2020年9月试题2021年7月试题]
    ―_________Practice more and you'11 succeed
    [答案]Never mind
    —SorryI made a mistake again[部资料]
    ―_________Practise more and you’ll succeed
    [答案]Never mind
    ―What do you think about Japanese food[2019年7月试题]
    — __________________
    [答案]Overall the diet there is a healthy one low fat
    —What do you think about Japanese food[部资料]
    — __________________
    [答案]Overallthe diet there is a healthy one low fat
    —What vegetables are in season now[部资料]
    — Radish and carrot_________
    [答案]I think
    —What's the latest situation with all these customer complaints we've been receiving[部资料]
    ―_________the quality of the material has not always been up to standard
    [答案]I'm afraid
    ―What's the weather like in this area [2021年1月试题]
    — __________________
    [答案]It's rainy
    —When do we have to pay the bill[部资料]
    ―_________December 30
    —Who should be responsible for the accident[部资料]
    — The bossnot the workersThey just carried out the order_______
    [答案]as told
    ―Wonder if I could use your computer tonight [2018年1月试题]
    — __________________
    [答案]Sure go ahead
    ―Would you like some more beer [2017年6月试题2020年1月试题]
    [答案]Just a little
    —Would you like some more beer[部资料]
    — _________please
    [答案]Just a little
    ―You look upset_________[2020年9月试题]
    ―I broke a traffic rule and was stopped by a policeman this morning
    [答案]Anything wrong





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