

    Part I Writing范文

    With the leaps and bounds in the development of IT technology people come to face a virtual world filled with an excessive amount of information Some people simply get lost in face of so much information online and so many views from all walks of life When facing some problems in life they tend to turn to the Internet for a way out However in my opinion we should try our best to maintain our ability to think independently and to practice independent thinking as much as we could
    I have the following reasons to back up my support for independent thinking Firstly the ability of independent thinking will give a sense of direction when you face the huge virtual world Secondly independent thinking may provide you a new perspective to look at the events happening on the Internet without following the crow blindly Thirdly independent thinking will help you to be a person as you are instead of following others’ steps and becoming an ordinary person in the end
    Therefore we can’t do without any skills at independent thinking either in personal life or at the workplace Instead we should do something to enhance our awareness in maintaining the ability of independent thinking Also intentionally keeping away from the virtual world and giving ourselves time for deep thinking might help a lot Only in this way can we stay what we are and achieve what we really desire

    Part II Listening Comprehension原文

    Section A
    Directions In this section you will hear two long conversations At the end of each conversation you will hear some questions Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre

    Conversation One

    M At some point in our career you’re likely to find a coworker’s habits annoying because well we’re human And it’s very tricky
    W That’s inevitable You know there’s always such a person around you at work
    M So that’s a commonly seen problem happening in our life But how can we deal with such a person
    W I think first you need to figure out how to live with the problem if you can If you can’t try confronting the person If that still doesn’t work you can approach your boss with the issue
    M I must say it takes much courage and time to confront a colleague like that I will be the last one to confront him
    W Yes that’s right So before you decide to meet him directly you’re advised to wait until you’re calm If you find yourself irrationally angry at something a coworker is doing that’s not the time to confront him Wait until you’re calmed down and have a clear mind
    M Anyway that’s the last method I will turn to
    W Well I agree with you on that Surely there’re many other ways to deal with an annoying colleague
    M Please tell me I want to know more about that This really matters our feeling about our job our career even our whole life
    W Ok firstly take the high road It only matters what you should do
    M What does it mean take the high road
    W It means you should be extremely polite to the person no matter what he says or how annoying he is
    M Why bother Do we suddenly stop to believe in eye for eye tooth for tooth
    W If you engage you’re only making the problem worse Plus maybe you could get into an argument with the person who gets you in trouble with your boss
    M I understand now Ok maybe I should take your advice
    W Secondly you are supposed to ignore the problem and to lay aside the argument and blame it on the fact that you have work to do
    M I’m afraid it’s hard to ignore the problem
    W Then it’ll be easier if you blame it on work If you need to ask a coworker to turn down a song you could blame it on the fact that you need to make a phone call……

    Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard

    1 What are the two speakers talking about
    2 What’s the woman’s first suggestion for dealing with an annoying coworker
    3 What’s the meaning of take the high road
    4 What’s the man advised to do when trying to persuade a coworker to turn down a song

    Conversation Two

    W I meant to read the novel Gone with the Wind during the winter vacation But it seems hard for me to concentrate on my reading so I just finished reading less than half the book I feel like a failure
    M Were you quite busy with other things in that period of time Going to parties with your former classmates Going shopping with your best friends
    W Not much actually Most of the time I just stayed at home by myself without any idea of going out or reading something My parents have to go out and work to support the family
    M Now I know what problem you have You lack motivation to finish what you planned to do
    W Motivation That’s a big word But I truly feel unmotivated during the whole vacation
    M Don’t worry too much Everyone experiences lack of motivation from time to time such as staring at a stack of books not wanting to study or seeing a pile of dishes in the kitchen not feeling like doing them That’s not a big deal
    W Yes that’s exactly what I feel when I see the novel You’re very kind to comfort me by saying so But I still feel guilty not making good use of the time
    M Now you see you understand what your problem is In fact that’s the first step to make changes Then you can take one more step to improve Once you choose to remind yourself of your goal in finishing the novel you’ll have time to make it Trust me

    Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard

    5 What did the woman plan to do at the beginning of her vacation
    6 What happened to the woman during the winter vacation
    7 How did the man consider the lack of motivation
    8 What does the man advise the woman to do

    Section B
    Directions In this section you will hear two passages At the end of each passage you will hear some questions Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre

    Passage One

    The city of Chicago is most widely recognized as the Windy City’ The earliest known reference to the Windy City’ was actually to Green Bay in 1856 The first known repeated effort to label Chicago with this nickname is from 1876
    Chicago has been called the windy’ city the term being used metaphorically to mean that people in Chicago tend to exaggerate things The city gets this reputation for the reason that as people got used to it they found most of her claims to be backed up by facts But it’s not the case anymore When one tells a visitor almost anything about Chicago today and the visitor chooses to believe it
    But in another sense Chicago is actually earning the title of the windy’ city It is one of the effects of the tall buildings which engineers and architects apparently did not foresee that the wind is sucked down into the streets Walk past a talk building even though it may be perfectly calm elsewhere and you will meet with a lively breeze at the base of the building that will compel you to put your hand to your hat
    An explanation for Chicago being a naturally breezy area is that it is on the shores of Lake Michigan Chicago is believed by locals as a Summer Resort and they proudly declare that people of this city are enjoying cool breezes from the lake with frequent hints of the grass flowers wheat and corn of the prairies

    Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard

    9 When did Chicago begin to be labeled as the windy city
    10 What’s mentioned of tall buildings in Chicago
    11 What does Lake Michigan bring to Chicago

    Passage Two

    Street food vendors may be located outdoors or under a roof which is easily bought from the street Urban population growth has stimulated a rise in the number of street food vendors in many cities throughout the world People moving from rural areas to urban centres has created a daily need among many working people to eat outside the home as well In addition demand for relatively inexpensive readytoeat food has increased as people especially women have less time to prepare meals
    However there’re problems with street food In some sense regulations can make street food safer Once policymakers have decided that street foods are here to stay there are numerous small ways to make life easier for both vendors and inspectors while ensuring that food is safer for the consumers Fair licensing and inspections combined with educational drives are the best longterm measures to safeguard the public
    Customers and consumer organizations also have a role to play together with government authorities vendors’ associations and scientists Better consumer information and education regarding food hygiene can help authorities to take quick remedial action and preventive measures
    Also the consumer’s needs should be taken into account when establishing policies and regulations Lowincome consumers can get benefit from some polices For example more licenses might be allowed for vendors selling lowcost nutritionally sound foods or for those with good records of hygiene Therefore street foods deserve the attention of policymakers and vendors should be given opportunities to improve their situation and develop their enterprises into city food establishments

    Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard

    12 What does urban population growth bring about
    13 How can problems with street food be solved
    14 What’s said of lowincome consumers of street food
    15 What does the speaker feel about the future of street food

    Section C
    Directions In this section you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions The recordings will be played only once After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D) Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre

    Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19

    Here are a few more details from Kathleen’s email to me She has been married 25 year and she can’t get her husband to start a joint savings account He keeps saying they do not have enough money at the end of each month to start saving Kathleen also said that the couple also has no sort of savings no emergency fund etc Nothing
    And every time she brings it up her husband says that they have student loans and car loans to pay back and they can’t afford to start a savings account open a credit union account or even get a secured credit card
    She ends her email by saying that she knows that the couple needs a savings plan and an emergency fund but she does not know how to convince her husband So what is the best way of handling finances in marriage with a reluctant spouse
    There are many different schools of thought about paying off debt and investing at the same time Many people like Dave Ramsey says that you should focus on debt repayment immediately after you have an initial emergency fund of 1000 set up and before any investing takes places
    So my number one piece of advice for Kathleen is to get her emergency fund set up as soon as possible before anything else You will never be able to get out of the cycle of debt without a sufficient amount of savings that you can go to when the car breaks down or the kids are sick It is imperative that you have that initial emergency fund Dave Ramsey has found that 1000 handles 99 of most true emergencies that people have
    Secondly one great way to get your reluctant spouse involved with the family’s finances is to hold meetings Monthly meetings where you discuss the family’s budget your paycheck especially if you’re living paycheck to paycheck your financial goals or the family’s financial plan is a great starting point
    You might also have to discuss the priority of which bills to pay if it comes down to that Maybe a good exercise is to list out both of your short and longterm financial goals I also use monthly or quarterly meetings to show my wife our net worth calculations as well
    Thirdly the biggest thing with handling finances in marriage with your spouse is communication Like all issues in marriage it often comes down to communicating So you have to have that heart to heart talk without fighting and yelling
    You have to let your spouse know just how important his or her involvement in the family’s finances is to you You also have to keep trying to get through to them so that they understand the family’s financial plan and support that plan
    … …

    16 What is Kathleen’s husband’s excuse for not starting a joint savings account
    17 What is the problem with Kathleen’s plan
    18 What is the speaker’s first advice for Kathleen
    19 What’s one possible topic for the couple’s monthly family financial meetings

    Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22

    Ah fall The air turns cooler Leaves are falling And thousands of college students are partying snacking 247 and about to be on their way to college However a new trend among college students could be a bigger problem than parents or college students realize A new study finds that 70 of college students gain weight and body fat by graduation
    In examining weight changes during four years of college however researchers at Auburn University in Alabama suggest that weight gain during the pursuit of higher education may go well beyond the first year and could be a bigger health threat than parents students or scientists thought
    Researchers followed 131 students over four years of college and found that a surprising 70 of them put on pounds by graduation an average of 12 and up to 37 pounds The overall percentage of students found to be overweight increased from 18 to 31 And the researchers noted gains in body fat composition and waist circumference as well
    The new study published in Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism is quite opposite to findings in previous studies Those studies wrongly claimed the average student gains merely 25 to 35 pounds and accused the media of falsely saying about the Freshman 15 Myth that is 15 pounds of weight gain among freshmen
    But the researchers in the Auburn study observed that the growth they found in the college students consisted primarily of fat mass They attributed the weight gain to late night study habits often enhanced by vending machine snacks fattening choices in college cafeterias and a lack of activity
    Here anyway I want to talk about five ways in which college students can eat healthily and avoid gaining weight
    Keep healthy snacks handy Dorm room refrigerators should be stocked with healthy satisfying snacks such as fruit string cheese Greek yogurt and baby carrots
    Drink water Too many calories from sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages can lead to weight gain These drinks can also cause an increase in blood sugar that can increase hunger
    Stay active Exercise plays a key role in staying fit and healthy Boost your daily activity levels by walking to class going to the gym or participating in safe sports
    Eat regular meals Skipping meals can lead to overeating and weight gain Eating breakfast can also quicken your metabolism and help you concentrate in class and on tests
    Get enough sleep People who do not get enough sleep tend to choose highcalorie junk food the body can quickly break down for energy So go and get enough sleep from now on

    20 What does the Auburn study find about college students
    21 According to the Auburn study what causes the weight gain among college students
    22 What measures could help college students to avoid gaining weight

    Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 23 to 25

    These days smartphones are a onestop payment personal health work gaming productivity texting tweeting Facebookchecking machine We use them to do just about everything from mobile banking to navigating new places to emailing out last minute notes on a project
    But whether it’s hacked browsers thieves at the coffee shop or your own tendency to lose electronics in cabs using your smartphone as a main source for all of your information comes with big risks and the more you’ve connected and stored the more you stand to lose In fact in the last year alone at least 71 million phones were lost or stolen
    That’s bad news not only for individuals but for countless businesses as well because each individual phone and carrier really varies in their level of security It’s no wonder then that so many individuals and businesses are starting to take mobile security seriously Let’s take a look at few steps you can take to keep your phone—and its wealth of personal data—secure
    1 Use a Passcode
    This may sound obvious but according to a Consumer Reports survey 64 of us don’t use our passcodes For the record using the factory set passcode totally doesn’t count Quite frankly not using a passcode is a horrible idea You’re essentially handing over all of your personal information to anyone who swipes your phone
    When you set up your passcode use the same security measures you would on any other device such as not using your birthday or social security number for your passcode and definitely not 1234 Never share your passcode with anyone even if they ask nicely or give you sad puppy eyes Don’t reuse passwords from other sites or devices
    While this is a subject of debate most experts think it’s best to go with a pin rather than the swipe patterns as the chances of guessing a pin are much lower than guessing a pattern But hey if it gets you locking your phone either choice is fine
    2 Be Selective with Your Apps
    That new app might look great but with so many unknown third party providers out there it can be difficult to know how private and secure it may be For that reason it’s best to go through a trusted app store like iTunes Android Market or Amazon and to thoroughly check reviews before downloading any app and entering your personal information

    23 Why is mobile banking mentioned at the very beginning
    24 What should you do when setting up a passcode for your phone
    25 What measures should be taken when downloading any app to your phone


    1 D 2 B 3 A 4A 5 C
    6 A 7 D 8 C 9 C 10 A
    11 C 12 B 13 B 14 D 15 C
    16 B 17 C 18 C 19 B 20 A
    21 C 22 B 23 D 24 A 25 B

    Part III   Reading Comprehension

    Section A
    26 I 27 M 28 H 29 B 30 C
    31 O 32 E 33 F 34 D 35 L

    Section B
    36 F 37 D 38 N 39 G 40 L
    41 H 42 J 43 K 44 I 45 B

    Section C
    Passage One
    46 D 47 B 48 A 49 B 50 D
    Passage Two
    51 B 52 C 53 A 54 B 55 D

    Part IV Translation

    Many Mobike bicycles can be found at metro stations in big cities in China Mobike is very popular with young white collar workers It solves the last kilometre issue in which commuters face the problem of being stuck a bit too far from their destination to walk but too close to justify the cost of finding a taxi Every Mobike bicycle comes with an internetcontrolled electronic lock that automatically unlocks by the use of the Mobile app on one’s mobile phone but requires manual locking after use Each user is required to register using their mobile numbers alongside their personal identification numbers The software automatically disallows users under the age of 14 to use the bicycle by checking the identification number





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