

    1 I didn’t mind their coming late to the lecture but I objected their making so much noise
    A B C D
    2 I don't think it advisable that he will be assigned to the job since he has no experience whatsoever
    A B C D
    3 On her way to the supermarket yesterday morning Mary met an old friend and stopped talking with him
    A B C
    for quite a while
    4 Sarah said she heard someone in the classroom but when we looked We didn’t find someone
    A B C D
    5 Paula doesn’t want to attend the meeting and Sheila doesn’t too
    A B C D
    6 If you will buy one box at the regular price you would receive another one at no extra cost
    A B C D
    7 Yellowstone National Park is one of the older parks in the US It was established by Congress in 1872 A B C D
    8 He went to the library and spent the whole afternoon there to look for material for an article on A B C D
    9 Hard as he worked but Mr Brown couldn’t keep the shop properly
    A B C D
    10 Had Paul received six more votes in the last election he would have been our chairman now
    A B C D
    11How can I convince you of that we have almost used up our supplies
    A B C D
    12 As quiet as possible he unfastened the door and went out into the frosty December night
    A B C D
    13 I enjoy eating in good restaurants and to go to the theater afterwards
    A B C D
    14 There are two kinds of computers there both of them are widely used today
    A B C D
    15 Many unexpected problems have been arisen in the course of the reconstruction of the city
    A B C D
    16 The weather is not as cold as you think So I don’t think the ice is thick enough to walk on it
    A B C D
    17 When he found he hadn’t enough money to pay for the meal he was very much embarrassing
    A B C D
    18 During the discussion Mr Boyd remained silent when asking his opinion
    A B C D
    19 Man is superior than the animals and he uses language to convey his thoughts
    A B C D
    20 Mr Brown often wore a heavy coat because he was not used to live in such a cold climate
    A B C D
    21 In his latest article the reporter criticized the way which the racial problem was being handled
    A B C D
    22 If the experiment succeeds or fails it will provide us with valuable experience which is essential to
    A B C
    improving our future work
    23 It was through his uncle’s influence which Philip obtained his position with the biggest oil company in A B C D
    the country
    24 George and his brother have a little in common except that they share the same interest in playing A B C D
    25 When we walked past the theater there were a lot of people waited in a long line outside the box office A B C D
    26 So far no man traveled farther than the moon
    A B C D
    27 Although I expected something different I was still surprised by which he said
    A B C D
    28 You must follow the directions exactly and if you become confusing you must take the time to go back
    A B C
    again and read them over
    29 He doesn’t say in his letter that he’s going to be back or not
    A B C D
    30 When he saw me passing by he stopped talking with me
    A B C D
    31 Many people live in Tokyo think life in a large city offers special advantages
    A B C D
    32 Under no circumstances we shall stop the research we’ve begun
    A B C D
    33 The book was so bored that I returned it to the library without finishing it
    A B C D
    34 It turned out why the tiger got out of the cage because the man in charge had forgot to lock it
    A B C D
    35 John said his mother would buy him a fivespeeds racing bicycle for his sixteenth birthday
    A B C D
    36 The reason why Jack failed to attend the lecture is because he had a bad cold
    A B C D
    37 The more frequent the child expresses his interest in an activity the stranger it will become
    A B C D
    38 It is always easier to select a tool than to use them
    A B C D
    39 She sings too loudly the same as what her teacher does
    A B C D
    40 He asked what had the weather been like during my holidays and I said that it had been awful
    A B C D
    41 She stood there for a while with her hands risen
    A B C D
    42 It is on each individual effort which the safety and happiness of the whole depend
    A B C D
    43 I feel like to take a long walk Would you like to go with me
    A B C D
    44 This is the sportsman whom everyone says will win the first prize at the Winter Olympic Games
    A B C D
    45 Unlike Americans who seem to prefer coffee the English drinks a great deal of tea
    A B C D
    46 Convincing that they were trying to poison him he refused to eat anything
    A B C D
    47 The law I'm referring requires that everyone who owns a car have accident insurance
    A B C D
    48 It is important that she goes to see the doctor immediately
    A B C D
    49 You must have heard from him since last month have you
    A B C D
    50 Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet
    A B C D

    1 C objected to 2 B should be assigned 3 C to talk 4 D anyone 5 D either
    6 B buy 7 B oldest 8 B looking for 9 C 掉but 10 C would be
    11 B that 12 A quietly 13 C going 14 B of which 15 B have arisen
    16 D walk on 17 D embarrassed 18 D asked 19 B to 20 C living
    21 C in which that掉which 22 A Whether 23 B that 24 A little 25 B waiting
    26 C has travelled 27 D what 28 B confused 29 B whether 30 C to talk
    31 A living 32 B shall we 33 A boring 34 B that 35 B fivespeed
    36 D that 37 A frequently 38 D it 39 D 掉what 40 B the weather had been
    41 D rising 42 B on which 43 A taking 44 B who 45 C drink
    46 A Convinced 47 A referring to 48 C should 49 D haven’t 50 A had he

    1 The sun gives off light and warmth that makes it possible for plants to grow
    A B C D
    2 Sand painting has also called dry or earth painting and is practiced by several American Indian artists
    A B C D
    3 Humans like many other animals are warmblooded with a fairly constantly body temperature
    A B C D
    4 Now that the stress of examinations and interviews are over we can all relax for a while
    A B C D
    5 The tallest of the twins went to search for the missing jewels the picture of which you saw in today’s newspaper
    A B C D
    6 They are going to have the serviceman to be installed an electric fan in the office tomorrow
    A B C D
    7 Only under special circumstances freshmen are permitted to take makeup tests
    A B C D
    8 It’s already 5 o’clock now Don’t you think it’s about time we are going home
    A B C D
    9 Despite the wonderful acting and welldeveloped plot the threehours’ movie could not hold our attention
    A B C D
    10 People appreciate to have worked with him because he has a good sense of humor
    A B C D
    11 No sooner had they entered the room when the telephone rang
    A B C D
    12 As a graduate from high school Tom is faced with three choices attending college finding a job or the army
    A B C D
    13 Those freshmen hope to offer some parttime jobs to support themselves financially
    A B C D
    14 It was his nervousness in the interview what probably caused him to lose the job
    A B C D
    15 Lucy’s parents give her everything she asks what else does she need
    A B C D
    16 I must work hard however I’ll fail in the exam
    A B C D
    17 I am used to read the paper after lunch That’s one of the things I really enjoy
    A B C D
    18 He told us that John as well as his brother were coming to the party
    A B C D
    19 Ted has sat an the table and drank more beer than is good for his health
    A B C D
    20 With no one to turn over for help in such a frightening situation she was in despair
    A B C D
    21 I like this house with a beautiful garden in front but I don’t have enough money to buy that
    A B C D
    22 I invited Joe and Linda as well as Tom to dinner but neither of them came
    A B C D
    23 You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting though you don’t mind taking the night train
    A B C D
    24 Why not stay at home since that the road is so slippery after the heavy snow
    A B C D
    25 Look out Don’t get too close to the house that roof is under repair
    A B C D
    26 Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from which their parents speak at home
    A B C D
    27 But for the help of my English teacher I would not win the first prize in the English Writing Competition
    A B C D
    28 Those brave army soldiers would rather die with their heads high than lived with their knees bent
    A B C D
    29 No sooner had Professor Smith begun to speak when some noise arose from the audience
    A B C D
    30 It is no good try to remember grammatical rules You need to practice what you have learned
    A B C D
    31 I don't think a warm winter always has a negative influence on our life hasn't it
    A B C D
    32 We have been told that under no circumstances we may use the telephone in the office for personal affairs
    A B C D
    33 A warm thought suddenly came to me which I might use the pocket money to buy flowers for my mother's birthday
    A B C D
    34 To wait in the queue for half an hour the old man suddenly realized that he had left the wallet in the car
    A B C D
    35 The Great Wall is so a wellknown tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year
    A B C D
    36 Equipped with modem facilities today's hospitals are quite different from that of the past
    A B C D
    37 We solved the problem by using a computer rather than to do it all by hand
    A B C D
    38 Who has eyes can see what great achievements we have made since 1978
    A B C D
    39 Surely there are lots of problems solving in our research so we need to get well prepared in advance
    A B C D
    40 The harder he tried the most failures he suffered in his early days as a writer
    A B C D
    41 How an interesting role she played in the film No wonder she has won an Oscar
    A B C D
    42 The famous scientist in his honor a dinner party will be held tonight is to arrive soon
    A B C D
    43 The old man was so angry and spoke so fast that none of his children understood that he meant
    A B C D
    44 The young man to make several attempts to beat the world record in high jumping decided to have another try
    A B C D
    45 In the town was found many old people who badly needed money and care
    A B C D
    46 As early as the 12th century boys in England enjoyed to play football
    A B C D
    47 So absorbed she was in her work that she didn't realize it was time that she picked up her daughter
    A B C D
    48 In big cities there is an increasingly need for cheap apartments for the lower middle class
    A B C D
    49 The price of meat was much more higher than expected
    A B C D
    50 Joe's father has died ten years ago so he has lived with his mother since then
    A B C D

    2答案A改has also been called Call双宾语动词
    3答案D改fairly constant 副词修饰名词
    4答案B改is 语stress(压力) 数名词
    5答案A tallest应改taller 较范围Twins twins两
    6答案C to be installed 应改install
    7答案C freshmen are应改are freshman
    8答案D are going应改went It’s about time句型中需虚拟语气
    9答案C the threehours’应改the threehour 数词 + 单数名词形成复合形容词
    10答案A to have worked应改having working appreciate + doing
    11答案C改thanNo sooner…than…
    12答案D改or joining the army列成分全部动名词形式
    13答案B改be offered新希兼职工作表动
    15答案B改asks for表示求
    17答案B改readingbe used to doing惯做某事
    18答案D改wasas well as连接名词谓语前名词保持致John
    20答案B改turning overWith加动名词表伴
    21答案D改 itthat 远指代词
    24答案B改now now that然
    26答案C改whatspeak 说某种语言时物动词
    27答案C改would not have won
    28答案C改livewould rather…than…宁愿…愿…with their knees bent 伴着跪膝盖
    29答案C改thanNo sooner…than…
    31答案D改does it否定前置I thinkbelievesuppose…反问疑问句部分前面句谓保持致前面否定面应该肯定前面句谓语动词has实义动词意思
    32答案C改may we
    34答案A改having waited等着排队动发生谓语realized前ing完成时
    35答案B改such such面接名词名词短语(形容词+名词复数aan + 形容词+名词单数)
    36答案D改those that指代前面提hospitals复数
    37答案C改doingrather than……前较成分结构致
    38答案A改whoeverwhoeveranyone who改:who 前面加anyone
    39答案B改to be solved Problems发出solve动作需动语态
    40答案B改more the +adjadv较级…the + adjadv较级表示越…越…
    42答案B改成in whose honor定语句句子提供两谓语(will be held is)没连词
    44答案A改成having mademake several attempt发生谓语decided前面非谓语完成时
    45答案 A改成it wasit做形式语many old people who badly needed money and care was found In the town
    47答案B改成was she倒装
    50答案A改diedten years ago应般时





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