高中英语人教版 必修第三册Unit2 Morals and Virtues DiscoveringUseful Structures学案

    Book3 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues
    第八—九课时Discovering Useful Structures
    ——— Used as the adverbial of the complement
    Step 1Revision & Introduction(复导入)
    1 复句子成分:分词作定语状语宾语补足语表语
    ① The escaped prisoner was still at large so there was not a single soul in each street (_________)
    ② Faced with challenges you should firmly believe that your courage is what makes a difference (_________)
    ③At the doctor’s suggestions he began to practise walking assisted by his wife (__________)
    ④ Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop (__________)
    ⑤Please keep me informed of any changes as soon as possible while I’m away (__________)
    复:① 分词(vpp)作定语位置意义?

    Step 2 selfstudy(学)
    ①In the snow kids dressed in long overcoats are making a snowman laughing and jumping happily
    ②Turning left at the first woods you’ll find the path to the foot of the mountain
    ③A terrible earthquake hit the county leaving it in ruins in a few short seconds
    ④Not wanting to make the patient nervous the doctor didn’t explain the seriousness of his illness
    ⑤Having gone through endless failures the CEO recognized what a stupid decision he had made
    ⑥Looking back on the terrible air crash I congratulated myself on my narrow escape
    ⑦Not having received the reply the anxious mother sent another email to her daughter

    a ving形式作状语位置ving做状语般均_______句隔开出现句首出现句尾句动作提供时间原条件方式等方面修饰成句结果句动作状态更丰满语义更完整语境感更强数情况作状语ving形式均转换类型状语句列句
    :Turning left at the first woods you’ll find the path to the foot of the mountain
    Looking back on the terrible air crash I congratulated myself on my narrow escape

    b ving形式作状语意义ving形式作状语时逻辑语(执行者)必须_________形成________(动动)关系
    c ving作状语表现形式ving形式充状语强调先句前发生(常表示段时间时间状语连例⑤)强调该状语句产生某种影响该ving表现完成式形式_________________状语否定形式直接ving前加_______完整状语形式____________________(例④)____________________(例⑦)

    ①I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting outside so long
    ② I looked out of the window and happened to notice a shadow stealing into the yard
    ③ With so many people staring at me I felt a little nervous
    ④ Hearing the gunshot we all rushed downstairs only to find the hostess lying on the ground dead
    ⑤ He found it much more exciting to watch a football match on the field

    2 Summary
    a ving形式作宾语补足语位置
    充宾语补足语ving形式须紧_______宾语常 _______ 者________带ving形式作宾语补足完整结构V+ Object + ving者Prep +_____________________中Object+ Object Complement部分常称复合宾语者宾语复合结构
    英语中接宾语复合结构动词限 结构中V常:
    ①感官动词see watch notice find catchhear等
    ②役动词havekeep leave等
    bving形式作宾语补足语意义ving充宾语补足语__________形成 (动动)关系 者表示动作_____________ (时间关系)

    Step 3Exercises
    A task in class Fill in blanks
    1 _____________(fail) many times she remained confident and patient
    2 He always wears dark glasses and masks so that he can walk around without ______________(recognize) by his crazy fans
    3 _________(paint) red the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive
    4 It rained heavily last night which finally_______ (cause) serious floods in several provinces
    5 The bomb exploded at the entrance hall of a hotel _______ (kill) 6 persons including 2 babies
    6 Whatever I’m doing I find it quite hard ___________ (satisfy) my parents
    7 ___________ (catch) the first bus he got up earlier than ever
    8 He feels it the most _________(worry) that the little son is particular with food
    9 He received a flood of spam messages(垃圾信息) every day which without any exception _______(say) On Sale
    10 ________ (hear) his grandfather’s death he couldn’t help burst out crying on the other end of the line
    11 _______ (go)straight for about 500 meters you’ll find the office building on your right
    12 A pleasant voice cameLadies and gentlemen the plane is landing soon Please remain _______ (seat) until the plane has come to a complete stop
    13 From time to time the ___________ (frighten) movie reappeared in his mind
    14 On the rainy evening ________ (terrify) kids hid themselves _________ (tremble)
    15 After I saw the ___________ movie I felt it ____________ to take an elevator alone late at night (frighten)
    16 The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ___________ them (follow)
    17 The computer company ________ (open) last year was closed down as a result of the economic crisis
    18 His letter arrived for me this morning ________ (say) he would come soon
    Step 3 反思总结
    1 What is the difference between ving and vpp when used as adverbial and object complement
    2 What is the most confusing point in the lecture





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