
    湖南 2017 中考面面(教)英语
    话题 事类
    Passage 1(2016 贺州改编)
    I’m David Long ago I came to the city near my hometown
    to find a job I met all kinds of difficulties and I used up all my
    money soon
    It was dark outside one day I got on a bus quietly
    Suddenly a passenger cried in a loud voice Someone has stolen
    my money I felt nervous because his money was in my hand
    Some people suggested the driver drive the bus to the police
    station but some were against it because they were in a hurry to
    go back home The whole bus was very noisy The driver then
    stopped the bus by the roadside and turned on the lights At that
    time one passenger said Turn off the lights and give the
    thief(偷) a chance to take out the money Then the bus got
    dark When I was still thinking about whether to take out the
    money or not the lights were turned on again There was no
    money on the floor Someone said Give him one more chance
    Then the lights were turned off again I became even more
    nervous The lights were turned on again but they got the same
    result Then the passengers fell into an open discussion Later
    someone said Give him the last chance I felt awakened(醒悟
    ) and took out all the money when the lights were turned off
    For many years I have been grateful to those who gave me
    three chances When the first and second chances come you may
    not be prepared well or don’t have enough courage to act When
    the third chance comes you should know clearly what you
    should do
    1 When did the story happen?
    2 Why did the driver stop the bus?
    3 What did David do when the lights were turned off for the
    third time?
    4 Does David feel grateful to the three chances?
    5 What’s the main idea of the passage?
    1 The storyIt happened in the evening解析细节理解题题干意:事什
    时候发生?根第二段第句It was dark outside one day知晚发生

    2 Because someone lost money on the bus解析细节理解题题干意:司机
    什停公交车?根第二段第三句中Someone has stolen my money知
    3 He took out all the money解析细节理解题题干意:第三次灯关时
    候卫做什?根第二段句and took out all the money 知第三
    4 YesYes he does解析细节理解题题干意:卫感激三次机会?根
    段第句For many years I have been grateful to those who gave me three
    5 We should grasp the chance to correct our mistakes解析旨意题题干意
    Passage 2
    One day a poor farmer’s friend gave him a young apple tree
    and told him to plant it The farmer was pleased with the gift but
    he did not know where to plant it
    He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road
    strangers would steal the fruit If he planted the tree in one of his
    fields his neighbors would come at night and steal some of the
    apples If he planted the tree near his house his children would
    take the fruit Finally he planted the tree in his wood But without
    sunlight and good soil(土壤) the tree soon died
    Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the
    tree in such a poor place What’s the difference the farmer
    said angrily and then told what he had thought
    Yes said the friend but at least someone could have
    enjoyed the fruit Now you not only have robbed everyone of the
    fruit but also you have destroyed (毁掉) a good apple tree
    1 What gift did the farmer get from his friend one day
    2 Was the farmer pleased with the gift
    3 Where did the farmer plant the apple tree at last
    4 Why did the apple tree die
    5 Who destroyed the apple tree
    1 A young apple tree解析细节理解题题干意:农民天朋友里
    什礼物?根 friend one day 定位第段第句One day a poor
    farmer’s friend gave him a young apple tree and told him to plant it知答案
    2 YesYes he was解析细节理解题题干意:农民礼物满意?根 pleased
    with 定位第段第二句The farmer was pleased with the gift but he did not
    know where to plant it知答案肯定
    3 In his wood解析细节理解题题干意:农民苹果树种里?
    根第二段倒数第二句Finally he planted the tree in his wood知答案
    4 Because it was planted without sunlight and good soil 解析细节理解题题干
    意:什苹果树死?根 die 定位第二段句But without sunlight
    and good soil(土壤) the tree soon died知答案
    5 The farmer解析细节理解题题干意:谁毁掉苹果树?根 destroyed
    定位段句Now you not only have robbed everyone of the fruit but
    also you have destroyed (毁掉) a good apple tree知农民毁掉苹果树
    Passage 3
    Can you imagine a life without arms or legs
    Nick a 31yearold Australian was born without limbs (四
    肢) so life was not easy for him At school many students played
    jokes on him because he looked different from everyone else
    Many students refused to be friends with him So he always felt
    However he faced that bravely He challenged himself and
    never gave up He learned to type on computer with two toes (脚
    趾) at the age of 6 and he could even surf and play golf In
    college he got great success and was one of the best students in
    the studies What’s more Nick also encouraged others to work
    hard for their dreams
    Now Nick is one of the most popular speakers in the world
    He travels to many countries and gives speeches against
    difficulties A meaningful life is about looking at what you have
    not what you don’t have he said His story has encouraged
    millions of people
    1 Where does Nick come from
    2 Why did many students play jokes on Nick
    3 When did Nick learn to type on computer
    4 Was Nick one of the best students in the studies
    5 What can we learn from this passage
    1 Australia解析细节理解题题干意:尼克里?根第二段第句
    Nick a 31yearold Australian知尼克澳利亚
    2 Because he looked different from everyone else解析细节理解题题干意:
    什学生尼克开玩笑?根 play jokes on 定位第二段第二句At
    school many students played jokes on him because he looked different from everyone
    3 At the age of 6解析细节理解题题干意:尼克什时候学会电脑字?
    根 computer 定位第三段第三句He learned to type on computer with two toes
    (脚趾) at the age of 6知尼克 6 岁时学会电脑字
    4 YesYes he was解析细节理解题题干意:尼克学学生
    ?根 best students 定位第三段倒数第二句In college he got great success
    and was one of the best students in the studies知尼克学学生
    5 We should face the difficulties bravely解析旨意题题干意:篇文
    Passage 4
    Many of us may have great dreams We maybe dream to be
    a scientist a manager a millionaire and so on But a farmer in
    India devoted all his life to planting trees His name is Jadav
    He was born in 1963 In his teens he often saw hundreds of
    dead snakes on the river bank after floods The top of the soil was
    washed away trees were destroyed and animals lost their homes
    In order to protect the environment Jadav Payeng began to plant
    trees in his hometown
    He found an island in the river a few kilometers off the
    banks of the River Brahmaputra and began to realize his dream
    Up to now Payeng has visited the island and planted a few
    trees every day for 37 years
    The island was close to my home and I began by planting
    bamboos or nonvaluable plants It’s only since the past 15 years
    that I have begun to plant high value trees like teak (柚木) said
    the forest man
    Because of his big contribution Jadav Payeng was named as
    Forest Man of India In 2015 he was honored with Padma Shri
    the fourth highest civilian (民) award in India
    1 Is Jadav Payeng a farmer in India
    2 When was Jadav Payeng born
    3 Why did Jadav Payeng plant trees in his hometown
    4 How long has Jadav Payeng planted trees
    5 What do you think of Jadav Payeng
    旨意文篇记叙文介绍印度森林子——Jadav Payeng
    1 Yes Yes he is解析细节理解题题干意:Jadav Payeng 印度农
    民?根第段中两句But a farmer in India devoted all his life to planting
    trees His name is Jadav Payeng知答案肯定
    2 In 1963解析细节理解题题干意:Jadav Payeng 什时候出生?根
    第二段第句He was born in 1963知出生 1963 年
    3 In order to protect the environmentBecause he wanted to protect the environment
    解析细节理解题题干意:Jadav Payeng 什家乡植树?根第
    二段句In order to protect the environment Jadav Payeng began to plant trees
    in his hometown知家乡植树保护环境
    4 For 37 years解析细节理解题题干意:Jadav Payeng 植树长时间?
    根第四段Up to now Payeng has visited the island and planted a few trees every
    day for 37 years知植树长达 37 年
    5 GreatSelfless解析细节理解题题干意:认 Jadav Payeng 样?
    阅读短文知 Jadav Payeng 发现然环境受破坏动家乡植树

    话题二 介绍类
    Passage 5
    Zongzi is a traditional Chinese food eaten during the Dragon
    Boat Festival which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the
    Chinese lunar calendar
    A popular belief about the festival is the death of Qu Yuan
    He was a famous Chinese poet from the kingdom of Chu who
    lived during the Warring States period (战国时期) When his
    country was defeated by the kingdom of Qin Qu Yuan was so
    hopeless that he drowned himself in the Miluo River According
    to the legend people threw rice into the river to stop fish from
    eating the poet’s body
    The fillings used for Zongzi are different from region to
    region but the rice used is almost always the sticky(粘性) rice
    Depending on the region the rice may be lightly cooked or
    soaked(浸泡) in water before being used In the north fillings are
    mostly red beans and red dates(红枣)
    In the past Zongzi was made only once a year on the
    Dragon Boat Festival but now it is quite different Zongzi is not
    only made for the Dragon Boat Festival People can eat Zongzi at
    any time of a year And we can find all kinds of Zongzi in the
    traditional markets
    1 When do people usually eat Zongzi

    2 Where did Qu Yuan drown himself

    3 Why did people throw rice into the river

    4 Is Zongzi made of red beans and red dates but not rice in North

    5 What can we know from the last paragraph

    1 People usually eat Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival解析细节理解题
    题干意:通常什时候吃粽子?根第段 eaten during the Dragon
    Boat Festival 知通常端午节期间吃粽子
    2 Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River解析细节理解题题干意:屈
    原跳进里?根第二段倒数第二句Qu Yuan was so hopeless that he drowned
    himself in the Miluo River 知答案
    3 Because they wanted to stopprevent fish from eating the poet’s body解析细节
    理解题题干意:什河中扔米? 根第二段句 people
    threw rice into the river to stop fish from eating the poet’s body知想阻止鱼
    4 No it isn’t解析细节理解题题干意:中国北方粽子米做
    红豆红枣做?根第三段第句The fillings used for Zongzi the rice
    used is almost always the sticky(粘性) rice知区部分糯米作
    填料根第三段句In the north fillings are mostly red beans and red
    dates(红枣)知中国北方糯米外料红豆红枣应填 No it
    5 People can eat Zongzi at any time of a year解析段落意题题干意:
    段中知道什?阅读段获信息People can eat Zongzi at
    any time of a year知年中时候吃粽子
    Passage 6
    Our body language tells the world a lot about us But can it
    change the way we see ourselves The answer is YES
    Two scientists Amy Cuddy and Danna Carney who know
    much about body language did a famous research According to
    the result of their research body language can change the
    chemistry of our brains Some highpower body language can
    make you become confident(信) For example you will feel
    confident when you hold your head high you will feel confident
    too when you put your arms out wide as if you were winning a
    However some lowpower body language can make you
    feel unconfident such as sitting with your arms close to the body
    sitting with your legs together or walking with your head down
    Why do all these happen The scientists think the reason is
    that body language changes the amount(数量) of something
    special in our brains It’s called hormone(荷尔蒙) One kind of
    hormone can increase your confidence another kind can increase
    your stress(压力) But too much stress hormone is bad for
    learning It also increases the risk of health problems
    The result of the research is also helpful for your studies
    Please remember try to use more highpower body language in
    your studies then you will be confident That is always believe
    you can study well act as if you are doing well then you will
    make greater progress in real life
    1 Can body language change the way we see ourselves

    2 According to this passagewhat can body language change

    3 How will you feel when you put your arms out wide as if you
    were winning a race

    4 According to the forth paragraph what do the scientists think
    is bad for learning

    5 Which kind of body language should we use more

    1 Yes it can解析细节理解题题干意:肢体语言改变
    方式?根第段第二三句 But can it change the way we see
    ourselves The answer is YES知肢体语言改变方式
    2 Body language can change the chemistry of our brains解析细节理解题题干
    意:根文章肢体语言改变什?根第二段第二句According to the
    result of their researchbody language can change the chemistry of our brains知肢
    3 I will feel confident解析细节理解题题干意:张开双臂赢
    跑步赛样会感觉?文章第二段第四句you will feel confident too
    when you put your arms out wide知伸开手臂时会感觉信
    4 Too much stress hormone is bad for learning解析细节理解题题干意:根
    第三段科学家认什学坏处?第四段倒数第二句But too much
    stress hormone is bad for learning知身体中太压力荷尔蒙反学利
    5 We should use highpower body language more解析细节理解题题干意:
    应该种肢体语言?根段第二句Please remember try to use
    more highpower body language in your studies then you will be confident知
    Passage 7

    Lang Ping is a former Chinese volleyball player and the
    former head coach of the United States women’s national
    volleyball team and the current head coach of China women’s
    national volleyball team
    She was born in the city of Tianjin on December 10th 1960
    She began to have volleyball training in the Volleyball Class of
    Beijing Sports School in 1973 Then she went to the Beijing
    Amateur Sport School in 1976 and was selected to the Beijing
    Volleyball Team at the same year In 1978 she was selected to
    the National Volleyball Assembled Training Team
    In 1985 Lang Ping retired and began her study as an
    English Major student in Foreign Languages Department of
    Beijing Normal University Two years later she went to New
    Mexico University for further study in the US After that she
    went abroad as a volleyball player
    In 2002 she became a member of the Volleyball Hall of
    Fame in Holyoke Massachusetts She coached the U S National
    team to a silver medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics in her home
    country At the 2016 Rio Olympics she led the Chinese to win
    the champion and became the first person that has won gold at
    the Olympics both as a player and as a coach
    1 Has Lang Ping coached the United States women’s national
    volleyball team

    2 How old is Lang Ping now

    3 When did Lang Ping become a member of the Volleyball Hall
    of Fame in Holyoke

    4 What subject did Lang Ping major in Beijing Normal

    5 What do you think of Lang Ping

    ——郎生事迹2016 年带领中国国家排球队获奥运会冠军
    1 Yes she has解析细节理解题题干意:郎执教美国女子排球队
    ?根第段中the former head coach of the United States women’s national
    volleyball team段第二句She coached the U S National team to a silver
    medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics in her home country知答案肯定
    2 56解析数字计算题题干意:郎现?根第二段第句She
    was born in the city of Tianjin on December 10th 1960知郎出生 1960 年
    3 In 2002解析细节理解题题干意:郎什时候入选霍利约克排球
    名堂?根段第句In 2002 she became a member of the Volleyball Hall
    of Fame in Holyoke Massachusetts知 2002 年入选排球名堂
    4 English解析细节理解题题干意:郎北京师范学修什学科?
    根第三段第句In 1985 Lang Ping retired and began her study as an English
    Major student in Foreign Languages Department of Beijing Normal University 知
    5 GreatExcellent Outstanding解析题干意:认郎样?阅读短文

    话题三 学生学生活类
    Passage 8
    Most students have biology classes in the classrooms or the
    labs in China But several days ago I had a biology class outside
    in my American school
    My biology teacher Mr Kim divided us into three groups
    and asked us to play a game about natural selection(选择) and
    how birds find food
    He gave the first group spoons the second group forks and
    my group knives I thought we were going hunting(猎) so
    knives might work better Surprisingly he told us to pick up the
    beans on the grass with our tools
    When the game started all of us ran to the grass area We
    squatted(蹲) down and looked for beans It was hard to pick up
    something that small especially from the grass
    When I almost picked up a bean it dropped back to the
    ground When I finally picked up several beans one of my
    friends ran into me I couldn’t keep my balance and fell over All
    my beans dropped to the ground Just at that moment Mr Kim
    called us back I had to leave the game and of course I got a bad
    result I couldn’t help thinking that if I were a bird living on
    Galapagos Island I would be dead soon
    The fun game made me realize that natural selection is
    really competitive(竞争) Everyone is trying his or her best to
    1 Where do most students have biology classes in China

    2 How many groups did Mr Kim divide the students into

    3 What did the writer’s group use to pick up the beans

    4 Did the writer get any beans at last

    5 What did the writer realize from the fun game

    1 In the classrooms or the labs解析细节理解题题干意:中国数
    学生里生物课? in China 定位第段第句Most students have
    biology classes in the classrooms or the labs in China知答案
    2 Three3解析细节理解题题干意:金姆先生学生分成组? divide
    定位第二段My biology teacher Mr Kim divided us into three groups知答

    3 Knives解析细节理解题题干意:作者组什捡豆子?根第三
    段第句He gave the first group spoons the second group forks and my group
    4 No heshe didn’t解析推理判断题题干意:作者捡豆子?
    根第五段第四句All my beans dropped to the ground知作者豆子掉
    5 Natural selection is really competitive解析细节理解题题干意:作者
    趣游戏中意识什? realize 定位段第句The fun game
    made me realize that natural selection is really competitive(竞争)知答案
    Passage 9
    Last weekend our school held a sports meeting Realizing it
    was our last school sports meeting in middle school we decided
    to make it an unforgettable experience We made a lot of
    preparations before the meeting My classmates took part in
    various events such as running high jump and long jump Due to
    the hard training we did very well
    In the boys’ 100metre race Lin Tao from our class won the
    first At first Zhang Lin from Class 2 was the first But Lin Tao
    tried his best and came to the end first
    The girls’ 100metre race was the most touching and
    exciting Mei Mei from our class ran the fastest at first Suddenly
    she fell down to the ground All of my classmates screamed
    loudly But to our surprise Meimei stood up quickly and began
    to run after the others Though she only won the seventh place at
    last I thought she was the greatest
    Jin Ling took part in the high jump He jumped 180 metres
    high At that moment all the classes stood up and cried Well
    done Congratulations But Liu Tao from our class also did very
    well He jumped 171 metres high
    Finally our class won the second place in total Our efforts
    were paid off We took a picture together proudly This sports
    meeting will be a precious memory for all of us forever
    1 Was it the writer’s last school sports meeting in middle school

    2 Who took the first place in the boys’ 100metre race

    3 What happened to Mei Mei in the girls’ 100metre race

    4 How high did Jin Ling jump in the high jump

    5 How do you like the sports meeting

    1 Yes it was解析题干意:作者初中场运动会?根第段
    第二句Realizing it was our last school sports meeting in middle school…知答案
    2 Lin Tao解析题干意:谁男子 100 米赛跑中第名?根第二段首
    句In the boys' 100metre race Lin Tao from our class won the first知林涛
    3 She fell down to the ground解析题干意:女子 100 米中梅梅发生什
    事?根第三段第三句Suddenly she fell down to the ground知梅梅突然摔

    4 180 meters解析题干意:金灵跳高赛中跳高?根第四段第
    二句Jin Ling took part in the High Jump He jumped 180 metres high知跳
    18 米高
    5 UnforgettableExcitingTouching解析题干意:觉场运动会样?
    话题四 观点法类
    Passage 10
    Recently a network video called the most beautiful blind
    man in Jinan picking up rubbish is popular on the Internet The
    blind man in the network video is Bi Yukui He picked up the
    rubbish on the street and threw it into the dustbin with his wife’s
    help and walked away slowly Many people were moved by his
    The network video is so popular because even a blind man
    who happened to find the rubbish can pick it up His behavior
    really made a lot of people feel ashamed In real life we can see
    some people throw rubbish everywhere Some people don’t like
    walking a bit farther to put the rubbish into the dustbin They just
    throw it on the road They think it’s not a big deal
    Is this really the case They harmed the environment At the
    same time they made the street cleaners’ work more difficult
    Does it have nothing to do with them No If everyone throws
    rubbish like them the city will be full of rubbish How dirty it
    will be Although picking up rubbish is a small thing in life we
    can know a nation’s civilization (文明) from it But some people
    think things like picking up the rubbish are not worth doing In
    fact this is not right Protecting the environment begins with
    small things We can’t throw rubbish here and there We can’t
    spit or smoke in public places either
    So we should learn from the blind man It’s everyone’s duty
    to protect the environment
    1 Who helped Bi Yukui throw the rubbish into the dustbin

    2 Why is the network video so popular

    3 What can we see in real life

    4 What will happen if everyone throws rubbish everywhere in
    the city

    5 Should we learn from the blind man

    1 His wife 解析题干意:谁帮助毕宇奎垃圾扔垃圾箱里?根第段
    第三句He picked up the rubbish on the street and threw it into the dustbin with his
    wife’s help and walked away slowly知答案
    2 Because even a blind man who happened to find the rubbish can pick it up 解析
    题干意:什段网络视频受欢迎?根第二段第句The network
    video is so popular because even a blind man who happened to find the rubbish can
    pick it up知答案
    3 Some people throw rubbish everywhere 解析题干意:现实生活中
    什?根第二段第三句In real life we can see some people throw rubbish
    4 The city will be full of rubbish 解析题干意:果城市里处扔
    垃圾会发生什?根第三段第六句If everyone throws rubbish like them the city
    will be full of rubbish知答案
    5 Yes we should 解析题干意:应该盲学?根第四段
    第句So we should learn from the blind man知答案肯定




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    2022英语四级改革题型及分值 第一篇:《2022改革大学英语四级、六级考试评分标准》 2022大学英语四级、六级考试评分标准 大学英语四级考试得分换算表 一...

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    「x年公共英语三级考试题型串讲-英语知识运用」 公共英语考试题型

    【x年公共英语三级考试题型串讲:英语知识运用】 公共英语考试题型x年公共英语三级考试题型串讲:英语知识运用英语知识运用一、大纲对该部分的具体要求英语知识运用部分主要考查考生对语法结构、词汇知识...

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    2015开题报告回答问题  你研究的课题是什么?  为什么选取择这个课题?  在相关问题上别人做了什么,还有什么没有做?  你打算做什么?  你的主要假设、观点是什么?  你这样做的依据是什么...

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    调查问卷的题型  一般而言,问卷的题型有三种:问答题、单项选择题、多项选择题。兹简单说明如下:  (一)问答题  直接提出问题,问题本身并不揭示任何暗示的答案,让被调查者自由发表自己的看法。例...

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    设计问卷题型的方法  如果说问卷的题型是从内容的角度上说的,那么设置问卷题型的方法则是从手法的角度上说的。王力先生认为有以下四种方法可供参考:  (一)衡量尺度法  由于利用直接访问征询意见,...

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    导数各类题型方法总结第一章 导数及其应用一, 导数的概念1..已知的值是( ) A. B. 2 C. D. -2变式1:( ) A.-...

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    小学数学工程问题重难点题型 详解版

    小学数学重难点专题 工程问题重难点题型 详细解析(一)工效不变问题【例1】甲、乙两人共同加工一批零件,8小时可以完成任务.如果甲单独加工,便需要12小时完成.现在甲、乙两人共同生产了小时后...

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    回答领导答问常用的技巧  ・常用技巧不忘   除了以上的几点之外,领导者的答问还有一些常用的技巧。这些技巧既能“出人意外”,跌宕起伏,引人入胜;又要“入人意中”,启人深思,沁人心脾。   (1...

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    二次根式知识方法题型总结 一、本章知识内容归纳 1.概念: ①二次根式——形如 的式子;当 时有意义,当 时无意义; ②最简二次根式——根号中不含 ...

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    4.新题型抢分卷一、仔细推敲,选一选。(每小题3分,共18分)1.当A=(  )时,2.6×1.5+A×15=7.6×1.5。A.5 B.50 C.0.5 D.×m(m不为0...

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    小升初数学:应用题综合训练11. 甲、乙、丙三人在A、B两块地植树,A地要植900棵,B地要植1250棵.已知甲、乙、丙每天分别能植树24,30,32棵,甲在A地植树,丙在B地植树,乙先在A地...

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