    1 The fat woman who is on _____ diet has refused to follow my advice that she should take _____ exercise
    A a                           B the a
    C the the                    D a
    2 I always get a bit _____ if my daughter doesn’t come back home from school on time
    A weak                B ashamed
    C anxious                    D patient
    3 — Would you like to go to Hong Kong for shopping with me this Christmas  
    — _____ I love shopping in Hong Kong
    A It is a pity                B Terrific
    C I am sorry to hear that     D That’s bad news 
    4 — Where are they going    
    — They are _____ the theatre They love watching movies
    A taking to                   B heading towards
    C going away from       D walking out of
    5 It took us quite a long time to get to the village It was a _____  journey
    A four hour                 B four hour’s
    C fourhours                D four hours’
    6 — Did he have a fever
    — Yes When I took his temperature it was two degrees above _____
    A average                    B ordinary
    C regular                         D normal
    7 Possibly this person died without anyone ______ where the coins were hidden
    A to know                   B known
    C knows                     D knowing
    8 Our guide will do her best to _____ you enjoy your travel
    A make like                  B make up
    C make sure                D make out
    9 _____ the traffic jam in which I had been caught I was late for the meeting
    A Owe to                    B Because of
    C In order to                D Thanks to 
    10 Eric _____ football He plays it from 600 am to 800 pm every day
    A dislikes                     B hates
    C is crazy about           D prefers   
    11 — How was the dinner last night
    — Wonderful Rarely ______ such an enormous dinner
    A I have had                B had I
    C have I had                D I had  
    12 — What’s the matter with you
    — My chest _______ when I breathe doctor
    A injures               B wounds
    C harms               D hurts
    13 — I hope she _________ the job she’s applied for 
    — I hope so
    A get             B will get       C had got             D got
    14 I would rather _______ TV at home at weekends while my wife prefers _______ shopping
    A to watch to go         B watch go
    C to watch going         D watch to go
    15 — What do you think of the movie 
    — _______ I want to see it a second time   
    A That couldn’t be better
    B I couldn’t agree more
    C It’s up to you           D Well it just depends
    Some people say parents owe their children everything I think parents don’t owe their children a(n)    16    education If they can    17    it they can certainly send them to the best universities But they    18    not feel guilty (疚) if they can’t If the children really want to go they’ll find a    19   There are lots of loans (
    贷款) and scholarships for the bright and    20    ones who can’t afford to pay
        When children grow up and want to    21    their parents do not owe them a house They do not have the    22    to look after their grandchildren If they want to do it it must be considered a    23      not a duty
        But parents really owe them a great deal One of their duties is to give their children personal    24    A child who is always    25    with brighter cousins will become    26   They should be    27    corrected when they do wrong but it’s better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves    28   All our parents should do is to    29   
    them tolerate (宽容) them and give them chances to try and fail They must learn to stand    30  
        Parents owe their children a set of values around    31    to build their lives This means teaching them to    32    the rights and opinions of others The best way to teach such values is by    33    A child who sees no laughter and no love at home will have    34    in laughing and loving
        No child asks to be    35    If you bring a life into the world you owe the child something
    16 A college  B formal C usual   D foreign
    17 A try        B get      C afford D reach
    18 A can B must   C may    D will 
    19 A supply  B help    C hand   D way
    20 A nervous       B honest C eager  D wealthy
    21 A get married          B ask for a job
    C go abroad                 D live alone
    22 A time             B right    C duty    D energy
    23 A favor    B pleasure      C job      D service
    24 A respect               B appearance
    C belief                D worth
    25 A brought               B compared
    C forced               D taken
    26 A unknown                   B unusual
    C unsure                     D unfair
    27 A properly       B gently  C nearly D possibly
    28 A now and then             B in time
    C at once                     D right now
    29 A distrust B beat    C hit             D trust
    30 A failure                 B honor
    C progress                   D test
    31 A it          B which C whom D what
    32 A support B refuse C respect       D appreciate
    33 A examples      B remarks      C words D deeds
    34 A pleasure                     B difficulty
    C fun                          D freedom
    35 A praised  B loved   C born   D left

    These days more and more people choose to skip breakfast (吃早餐) Howevermany health experts consider breakfast to be the most important meal of the day If we eat a good breakfast they say we will have the energy and nutrients (营养) we need to begin our working day with vigor and hopefully in high spirits However many people skip breakfast or just have a cup of coffee instead of a wellbalanced meal What happens if we don’t know the importance of breakfast
        One recent study conducted in the United States tested a large number of people Participants (参者) included both males and females from 12 to 83 During the experiment these people were given different kinds of breakfasts and sometimes they had to skip breakfast completely Special tests including blood tests and endurance (耐力) tests were set up to see how well the participants’ bodies acted when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast
        The results showed that if a person eats a proper breakfast he or she will work more efficiently and more productively than if he or she skips breakfast or eats a very poor breakfast The study showed that if school children eat fruit eggs bread and milk before getting to school they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate on their lessons for a longer period of time
        The study also showed that different from what many people believe if you skip breakfast you will not lose weight This is because people become so hungry if they skip breakfast that they eat too much for lunch and end up gaining weight instead of losing weight So remember if you want to lose weight skipping breakfast will not help you Reducing your other meals will help
    36 Many health experts think that _______
    A we can have a cup of coffee for breakfast
    B people who skip breakfast don’t realize its importance
    C skipping breakfast helps to lose weight
    D breakfast helps people work well
    37 According to the passage the participants in the experiment were _______
    A all adults                   B men of different ages
    C teenagers and grownups
    D men and women of the same age
    38 The experiment was designed mainly to see _______
    A how people’s bodies acted with or without a breakfast
    B what kind of breakfast is the best
    C whether they could lose weight or not
    D how long they can last with a good breakfast
    39 According to the passage if you are a schoolgirl and want to lose weight you should ______
    A not have breakfast but put some fruit in your schoolbag
    B eat a small breakfast but have a big lunch
    C have a good breakfast and eat less for lunch or supper
    D eat food with little energy and nutrients for breakfast

    ★Austin Children’s Museum
    Open Time : 11 am 5 pm weekdays noon5 pm weekends
    Address: 201 Colorado St Austin TX 78701
    Tel (512) 4722499
    This 7 000squarefoot museum is built to entertain and educate children aged up to 9 In its Global City exhibit for example they can go shopping order lunch pretend that they’re doctors or more In other fun exhibits they can learn about Austin’s history explore the world of water and experience life on a Texas farm
    ★Brooklyn Children’s Museum
    Open Time: 11am 6 pm WednesdayFriday 10 am5 pm SaturdaySunday also school and public holidays
    Address: 145 Brooklyn Ave Brooklyn NY 11213
    Tel (718) 7354400
    Built in 1899 this is the world’s oldest children’s museum having workshops and special events The Mystery of Things teaches children about cultural and scientific objects and Music Mix welcomes young players
    ★Children’s Discovery Museum
    Open Time: 10 am7 pm MondaySaturday from noon to 6 pm Sunday closed on public holidays
    Address: 180 Woz Way San Jose CA 95110
    Tel (408) 2985437
    This museum’s handson exhibits explore the relationships between the natural and the created world and among people of different cultures and times Exhibits include Streets a 58scale replica (复制品) of an actual city with street lights parking meters and fire hydrants (消防栓) ★Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
    Open Time: 10 am6 pm weekdays closed on Easter Thanksgiving Day and on December 25
    Address: 3000 N Meridian St Indianapolis IN 46208
    Tel (317) 3343322
    This outstanding children’s museum has 11 major galleries Exhibits cover science culture space history and exploration Among the highlights are the Space Quest Planetarium the 33foothigh Water Clock (additional fee) the Playscape Gallery for preschool kids and the Dinosphere Exhibit along with handson science exhibits The largest gallery the Center for Exploration is for children aged 12 and up
    40 If you want to know about farm life you’d better ring _______
    A (317) 3343322         B (718) 7354400 
    C (408) 2985437         D (512) 4722499
    41 If Thanksgiving Day falls on Thursday November 22 this year which of the following museums could you visit at about 5 pm that day
    A Austin Children’s Museum
    B Brooklyn Children’s Museum
    C Children’s Discovery Museum
    D Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
    42 In which of the following places do you have to pay an additional fee when you visit the museums
    A Global City exhibit
    B The Space Quest Planetarium 
    C The Center for Exploration
    D The 33foothigh Water Clock
    43 The purpose of writing the text is to ________
    A warn children           B visit the museums  
    C advertise the museums
    D describe the museums 
    班级                 姓名                   分数                  





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